Chapter 17

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Dabi put his hands in front of them and made a psycho smile

- D-Dabi

- You guys get out now - Dabi said changing his tone of voice to a more serious one and then his gaze went to Endeavor - Let's finish what you started ... Dad

Both Shoto and Endeavor widened their eyes.

- N-It can't be... ¡You're dead Touya!

- ¿T-Touya?

Shoto had another big headache and grabbed his head and then fell to the ground.

- ¡Sho! - Mina hold him totally worried

Inside Shoto's mind a blank image reappeared to later see another of a boy with dark red hair and turquoise eyes with bandages around his body, he was sitting in a corner of the house, his father had gone to a meeting and her mother was picking up the other 2 siblings to kindergarten

- ¿Toya? ¿Are you ok - Asked a Shoto of almost 2 years old

- Y-Yes Shoto, I'm fine - Little Touya said wiping his tears produced by the pain of his burns created by his father - I'm just ... I'm tired

- ¿Dad is bad, right?

- N-No

- Dad hit mommy - Shoto pouted and tears came out of his eyes - I don't like daddy hit mommy

- He won't do it anymore - Touya, despite the pain in his body, hugged his little brother - I'll protect her and all of you

The memory ended, he had another one where the same child had more serious burns and Shoto was being pulled by the arm strongly by Endeavor

- ¡Leave him dad! ¡He's only 4 years old! - Touya yelled trying to stop his father

- It's my next weapon, don't bother me you fail

- ¿W-Weapon? - Shoto had tears from the force with which he was being pulled

Touya used his flames to burn Endeavor's arm a bit and not hurt Shoto, he took the boy and locked him in his room, seconds later Endeavor hit him in the face

- G-Give me another chance dad, I can be stronger

- You are weak like your mother, you do not serve me

- ¡Give me another chance! Just don't hurt Shoto

Shoto on the other side of the door heard everything, then he heard the footsteps of both of them walking away

- Touya ...

He finishes that memory, he had another one that was to see his father and Touya leaving through the front door, as the hours passed, only his father had returned

- ¿W-Where is Touya? - Shoto asked, totally concerned

- That doesn't matter, your training starts tomorrow

Shoto just watched as his father went to the training room and closed the door, he turned his gaze to a photo of all his brothers

- T-Touya ...

After that, his memories ended and he came back to reality, he saw that Mina was trying to take him away from the place of the fight

- ¡Sho we have to go!

Shoto saw that everything around him was burning between blue and orange flames, Mina had been able to take him a bit far so that he would not get hurt, Mina was coughing too much due to the smoke produced by both fires and she was beginning to run out of air, without hesitation Shoto carried her in his arms and started running towards the dorms, kicked the door and laid her on the couch, everyone seeing the fire in the distance and Mina in that way, they blamed him immediately

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now