Chapter 5

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After a few days of what happened, they had officially become couple, they no longer had to hide what they felt for each other, they slept together every night, at school they were always together, even in training

- ¡Sho!

- ¡What's going on?

Mina did not say a word, just gave him a hug and both fell on the couch

- I missed you too - Shoto said returning the hug

- ¡You were separated 2 hours! - Shouted Bakugo who was on the same couch

Only 2 hours, Mina had gone with the girls, but she was already so used to being with Shoto and missed him being so long without him

- ¡Go to a hotel! - Scream Hagakure joking from a chair

Mina blushed at such a comment, but Shoto seemed not to have understood

- ¿Why would we go to a hotel? Our rooms are upstairs

Mina blushed more and hide her face in Shoto's neck

- They don't mean that - Mina whispered in his ear

Despite being dating, Shoto still didn't understand somethings or double sense jokes

After a slightly uncomfortable dinner among all their friends, they went to Mina's room, where there was an unusual silence from Mina

- ¿Are you okay Mina?

- ¿Why you ask?

- You are very quiet, and that is not normal

- It's just that ... just that ...

Shoto looked at her confused

- ¿Did I do something wrong?

- It's not that Shoto, it's that what you said below gave a wrong idea

- ¿About the room? But it's true, ¿Why would we go to a hotel?

- ¡Because they think that we spend fucking!

Shouted Mina with a completely red face and putting a pillow on her face

- But we have never ...

- I know - Mina commented with the pillow on her face and lying on the bed - But they don't

Shoto slowly lay down next to her

- ¿You want to?

Mina was surprised by such a question and took off her pillow.

- Y-yes, of course, but we are still minors Sho

- That's true, but ... Maybe we could do something that comes closer

Mina looked at him confused, it was when Shoto sat on the edge of the bed and sat her on his lap which blushed both of them

- ¿W-What are you doing? - Asked the pink girl, almost red while looking him in the eyes

Shoto just gave him a smile and started gently kissing her neck.

Mina totally surprised the only thing she could do was close her eyes and let herself be carried away by the kisses of the two-color boy while she only stroked his hair and tried not to moan.

Shoto was only focused on kissing Mina as he gently stroked her back, but at one point he stopped.

- ¿Why are you stopping?

- I didn't know if you were liking it so better ...

- ¡Not! If you put me down I will attack you

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum