Chapter 15

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Mina led Shoto back to the dorms, he did not remember the building at all, she opened the door and saw that many of their friends were in the room, slowly they both entered and stopped behind them

- Hello guys - Mina said smiling

They all turned and went to them, mainly Shoto, he felt uncomfortable for all of them surrounding him and asking him things that he did not know how to answer, it made him feel bad that they were worried about him and he did not remember them, he barely remembered their names, and they were by nicknames he gave them

- I want to go to my room, Mina, ¿Can we ...?

- Sure Sho, we'll be back in a while

They all nodded and Mina took Shoto to his room, and still nothing came back to his mind, although it did not seem like it, Mina was worrying too much that his memories would never return, but, even if it took her a lifetime, she would not leave him alone until to get them back

Mina put him on the bed and went to the kitchen to prepare something for him, Shoto stared at his room trying to remember whatever it was, he looked around and only saw: his UA sports uniform which did not remind him of anything, the style of room seemed somewhat uncomfortable and even the clothes that were supposedly his, nothing worked

Although he did not show it, he was beginning to fall into depression

Mina came back with some sandwiches and a big smile on her face, they both sat on the edge of the bed and ate, Mina took the pictures out of her backpack, but before she put them away, Shoto grabbed them and stared at them

- ¿What's up Sho?

- W-I want to go see mom

Mina was surprised at such words; she did not expect him to say that

- ¿W-Why?

- I want to see her

- O-Okay Sho, if you want we will go tomorrow

Shoto smiled and kissed Mina's cheek.

At night, everyone was sitting in the living room playing a board game, even Shoto, but only at Mina's request.

She was sitting in front of him and she was doing well in the game, she suddenly gave a scream to which Shoto and everyone saw her, Mina turned and saw the reason

- ¡Mineta you idiot!

- I couldn't resist - Said the useless sticky-haired dwarf

Mineta had touched Mina's butt and planned to go back to his room, but before that Shoto grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the wall with such force that it broke it

- S-Sho, calm down

Shoto ignored Mina and those who tried to stop him, grabbed Mineta by the neck and began to beat him repeatedly until he spit blood, they were all terrified of how violent his "friend" had become

- Touch her again and I'm really going to hurt you. ¿Do you understand?

Mineta could barely move

- ¿Do you understand or not you piece of shit?

Mineta with difficulty nodded and Shoto released him, Mineta could barely get up and go back to her room, Shoto turned to Mina worried

- ¿You're good?

Mina was a bit scared by what she had just seen, she still couldn't believe what she had seen, no one could believe it

But they didn't feel bad for Mineta, as he deserved it

Mina nodded and gave him a hug, but it was just to calm him down.

- Thanks Sho

Everyone was still looking at him with doubt, all they saw was a mix between what was his friend and a ex member of the League of Villains, and the 2 versions of Shoto combined protected Mina too much and in a dangerous way

Almost everyone had the same thought: If he was able to that just because somebody touched her, they don't even want to imagine what he would be able to do if someone hurts her

The next day...

Mina took Shoto to the hospital where Rei was, Shoto was nervous, although he should not be, since it is his mother who is going to see, he did not realize when they came to be in front of the door

- Sho, calm down, she won't hurt you

Shoto nodded and opened the door, Rei was sitting on the edge of the bed and as soon as she saw him, her eyes water

- Hi baby

Shoto got a slight headache, the memory of when she sang to him as a child came to mind, the same woman who took care of him and protected him, the same woman his father beat

- ¿M-Mom?

- Yes Sho - Rei said smiling and shedding a few tears

- ¿C-Can I hug you?

Rei did not respond, she hugged him with all her strength and could not contain the tears of happiness, Shoto returned the hug and hid his face in his mother's white hair

- ¡Forgive me mom! Everything is my fault; everything has always been my ...

- Don't say that Shoto, nothing was your fault

From the tone of voice he had, Mina knew that he was broken and he was keeping that, even before losing his memory he had that saved for himself

Mina left the room because she felt like a third wheel, she waited on the bench outside the room, after a few minutes Shoto said that she could come in and Rei hugged her too, Shoto smiled and went out to get them something to eat, it was going to last a while since he did not remember the halls of the hospital

- I-I saw him - Mina whisper

- ¿What did you say Mina?

- I saw him

- ¿Who? - Asked Rei confused

- Y-your son... Touya

Rei opened her eyes in great surprise

- ¿T-Touya? ¿Where?

- He took us out of the hospital, saved us from some villains who wanted to kill Shoto

Rei smiled at those words, Mina kept telling her more about him, except the part about trying to kill her a while ago

Shoto returned with some pieces of fruit and got ready to eat with his "girlfriend" and his mother

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now