Chapter 8

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Everyone was still in the room shocked by what they had just seen

- ¿W-Was he? - Asked Momo

- He did not look like Todoroki

- I have to find him - Mina whispered, unfortunately everyone heard her, she without thinking went to the door, but was stopped by one of Aizawa's bandages - P-Please, I need to know that ...

- No one is going to leave - Aizawa said in a serious tone - Go to your rooms now and don't leave, see you tomorrow

It was the last thing Aizawa said before leaving the door, everyone went to their bedrooms seconds later, but Mina stayed at the door without move

- Mina, we have to go to ...

- I don't want to be alone Hagakure - Mina hugged the invisible girl, seconds later all the girls hugged her

- You don't have to be, we will have a sleepover in my room - Momo said smiling

- We will eat something, we will see a movie, whatever you want

Mina gave a small smile and went with the girls to the room

With "Shire" ...

He was running between alleys, going to the escape location which was to the south

- ¡¿WHERE ARE YOU?! - Asked the now dark-haired man for his communicator

- Relax, Kurogiri will appear behind the workshop that is 2 blocks ahead - Shigaraki answering by the communicator

- ¡I miss you! - Toga scream

- ¡Shut up brat! Anyway, don't stop

Shire kept running, but before he came he found a hero

- ¿So you were the one who caused the explosion at the gas station? - Said the hero in combat position - A simple brat

Shire did not reply, his personality had not changed and he was only looking at the hero, who had large red wings and blond hair.

- Give up, you have nowhere to go

He managed to see how behind him the purple and black cloud was forming, which was his escape route, unfortunately the hero turned to see and his plan was ruined

- I see, so you're a member of ...

It was not even 3 seconds before he froze his entire body except his face and took advantage of those few seconds and entered the portal disappearing in front of the hero Hawks

- ¡Shit! - Shouted the frozen blonde

Once in the den ...

Everyone saw the black hair boy come out of the portal and smiled

- You did very well - Shigaraki commented smiling

They all patted the black-haired man's back, it was when he saw the 2 members who rescued and shook their hands in greeting

- ¿Have I seen you before? - Muscular tried to remember it

- I don't know, my memories are not very good

Shigaraki took advantage and explained to the 2 newcomers the situation of the new member of the League, after that as all groups celebrated the victory with alcohol, Shire was not so interested in drinking and went to the rooftop

From there he could see much of the city, he liked the silence that was at that time, it was when someone opened the door and he turned

- ¿Why are you here so lonely?

- There is a lot of noise downstairs, I like the silence, it's better Toga

The blonde just walked up to him and laid her head on his shoulder

- It's very comfortable out here - Mention Toga smiling

- It is

He turned his gaze towards her who had a stronger blush than normal and smiled at her, he only looked at the yellow eyes that she has, that color of eyes reminded him of something or someone, no matter how hard he tried, he did not remember, it was when Toga approached her face slowly and he did it too, they were a few centimeters away from their lips touching...

It was when Shigaraki opened the door surprising them and causing them to separate

- I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, but dinner is ready

Both fully blushed went to eat, after finishing, Toga took him to her room, even though he had his own room, she did not let him sleep there, closed the door and laid him on the bed sitting on his lap and she remove the yellow contact lenses

- Better this way

He smiled slightly, but was surprised to feel Toga's lips against his, he did not know what to do since she put her arms around his neck, he had no escape, on the roof he had his doubts, but at that moment he could confirm it ...

He did not know why, but he knew he was cheating on someone, he could not take it anymore and he separated from Toga falling on the bed and leaving Toga surprised

- ¿What's going on? ¿Are you gay Shire?

- ¡¿What?! ¡Of course not!

- ¿So?

- I feel like what we just did is not right

- It felt good - Toga said as he snuggled into her neck

- It felt good, but ... I feel like I'm hurting someone

Toga looked at him confused, she couldn't read her mind, but she knew something was affecting him

- If you ever get your memory back ... ¿Can we be together?

He just gave her a smile and stroked her hair.

- Maybe

Toga smiled and covered them both with one of her blankets and they both fell asleep

With Mina ...

Mina was sleeping when she suddenly woke up breathing hard, she felt a pain in her heart

- Something is not right

Carefully not to wake the girls, she left the room, instead of going to her own, she went to Shoto's room where all his things were still intact from the last time he was there for a few minutes, she could not stop the tears from coming out of her eyes and lay down on his bed

- It still smells like Shoto - Mina without hesitation hug Shoto's pillow - I know you're alive Sho, I don't know why you're doing this, but please come back to me - The crying had started - I need you here with me

The next day...

Aizawa was in front of all the students, who were concerned about the situation.

- As they suspected, the attacks were coordinated, 2 League members escaped from Tartarus: Mustard and Muscular

Just hearing that name, Midoriya felt a horrible chill

- ¡¿Was it Shoto?! - Desperate Mina asked

- We do not know, any DNA evidence that could have been in the gas station was destroyed, but the police and the heroes were involved in that attack and if they find them, they came to 2 decisions: try to capture them and send them to Tartarus or ...

Everyone stared in fear at what he was going to say

- If it is impossible to capture them, they will not hesitate to eliminate them

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now