Chapter 24

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Shoto wished Mina luck in combat, not because she was his girlfriend meant that he wouldn't give it his all.

- If I win, you buy me a chocolate shake - Mina said smiling before leaving with her partner

- It's okay - Shoto said kissing her head

- With whipped cream and peanuts, ¡Oh! And...

- I'll buy you all the extras if you win

That made her smile and she go with Tsuyu to plan, Shoto just looked at her smiling, but that smile disappeared when Momo stood in front of him

- We should also ...

- Just don't bother me - His tone of voice turned cold to her, or to any girl other than Mina, Rei, Fuyumi or Toga

His memories of her still did not return, but he could barely remember a fight he had with her in which she fled leaving him hanging, so he considered her useless and a hindrance.

With Mina, she and Tsuyu had planned a good strategy, but they should not separate for it to go well.

When it was their turn to fight, both of them were on the road trying to find a clue that would lead them to their opponents, knowing Shoto would go right to them, and they were not wrong, within seconds a huge ice wall formed in the middle of the place making them to separate, Shoto ran over the ice and then threw himself to the ground to face Mina, or that was his idea

- ¿Frog? - Shoto looked at Tsuyu, who was wrapping herself with her arms

- Very c-cold - Tsuyu said trying not to let the cold affect him

- If you are here ... It means that ...

Shoto looked at the barrier that I created and realized that he was on the wrong side, he went to the right side thinking that Mina would be there but she was on the left

On the other side, Mina was surprised at the heap of ice that separated them

- Wow Sho - Mina smiled when she saw that he was serious against her - It seems that our strategy failed

Mina managed to hear chunks of ice fall and turned her head to see Momo on the ice, but instead of making a great entrance like Shoto, she slipped and rolled to the ground. Mina did her best not to laugh, but it was very difficult

- ¡¡Hahahaha!! - She couldn't resist anymore and started crying with laughter at seeing her friend fall like this

Momo just frowned and got up quickly and faced Mina, she creates a shield and a tube, Mina could melt both with ease if she wanted

- Ashido ... You took him away from me

- ¿Uh? - Mina raised an eyebrow at Momo's words - ¿What?

- ¡To Todoroki! - Momo attacked Mina with the tube, but the pink one had much better reflexes than hers and she dodges every attack - ¡Grrr!

- ¡¿What's wrong with you?! ¡Shoto was never yours to begin with! - Mina frowned at Momo's words and her attacks, Momo had no right to say that Shoto was once hers - And he never will be, so forget about him

- ¡No! He was the first who believed in me and then he changed me for you, that's not fair, I knew him more than you Ashido - Mina let out a small laugh which made Momo more angry - ¿What's so funny?

- I think it's the first time that you have no idea what you're saying, you don't know him at all

- ¡Of course I do! ... He ... He loves cold soba

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now