Look, There's The League Again

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Toga P.O.V.

Oh my god. Izu-kun is sooo cute. It makes me want to stab him until he's all bled out and surrounded with his own blood.

I think Shiggy noticed that he might just be useful for us, so that gives me a chance to stab him and get his blood!

Shiggy looks very grumpy though, I think because his nomu was defeated by Izu.


"Hey bloodsucker, HEY ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!?!?!"

That, my beautiful readers, was Dabi, our resident burnt nugget.

He was forever grumpy so that was not a surprise.

Dang.....there goes the fourth wall.




"Toga, because you're a bean I'm not murdering you." 

Author-chan is soooo kind!

"that's cause you need more love, well, dabi as well but oh well."

~time skip to author-chan fixing the damn wall for the 3RD time in this story~

YAYY today is the day we attack again!

Author-chan was not impressed my my wall-breaking skills, but she has the power to delete me sooooooo...

Dabi is still laughing, so imma stab him real quick-

~time skip~

Jesus, who knew dabi could shoot fire for a mile radius.

I didn't.

"When am I stabbing Izu-kun? It's been 221 words and I still haven't stabbed him. What is this meant to be, a poorly written story? (yes)"

"geez toga, relax your ass"

Anyway, we headed into the portal that obviously teleported us to different places.

Deku P. O.V.

I noticed a black and purple portal appear 100 meters behind Mr Aizawa, and knew immediately that it was the L. O. V.. Dang they never let go do they.

Apparently not.

I shot Dad a quick glance and he immediately understood.

Getting Thirteen to keep my other classmates in check again, because that went well last time, he took the usual fighting stance.

I also stood beside him, also slightly bending my knees and felt my pupils go slightly crimson.

Glancing back to make sure that Todoroki-kun was ok, I turned back to the villains again and took the minor ones down one by one.

Dad also lept into action, but I quickly lost sight of him due to the villains who were starting to also take om him.

I know I couldn't keep watching him, ans swiftly dodged a fist that as heading my way.

After taking on those minor villains, I  headed down and around a corner to catch my breath.

Feeling a presence from behind me, I turned around with narrowed eyes-not before catching a glimpse of dirty-blonde hair with two messy buns.

Toga Himiko

I've analysed her, and know quite a lot about her.

I had to avoid her knives at all costs, and make sure she doesn't get a drop of my blood.

You see the best way to take on an enemy, is to over-estimate them. And that might seem stupid at first, and quite the toll on your ego, but if you under-estimate them, then you might not exactly have the element of surprise on your side.

That would be a problem to you.

I knew that she had the goals to retrieve my blood, and could possibly actually get it if I'm not careful.

Anyway, enough rambling.

I don't think she knows I saw her, so must stay silent. Right now, I'm cornered, so I can't draw attention to myself.

Standing completely still for a couple of seconds, I checked for any suspicious presences around.

I didn't find any.

Taking a short breath that I didn't know I was holding in, I quickly made my way back to the others.

Suddenly, I was ambushed.

By a candy cane.

Our residence hot-and-cold guy with daddy issues himself, Todoroki Shoto.


"I have no idea..."

Dad just stood by us and had the usual oh-good-you-didn't-get-yourself-killed face on. "After you're done with your tearful reunion, you can come back and join the others."

Soooo kind...

Anyway, since author is getting tired (and btw, she did write this at 4 in the morning) time skipping to nearly bedtime.

"What an eventful day." I muttered as I slowly went to bed.

My dreams, however, was something worse than the league....


732 words

A/N: those 723 was not including this a/n. Dangggg the things that those random bursts of energy that I get make me do... This was WAYYY longer then my other chapters...

Oh, and, I'm letting you in on a little teaser.

I'm..... *insert deep breath*



ze ✨excitement✨ needs to be kept.

Giving a hint tho: it's about deku and is something also highly written.

It might now come out, unfortunately, until 2021, as I'm actually taking time and effort on that one instead if writing it at 4 in the GODDAMN morning.

Anyway, I need my remaining 7 hours of sleep before my body decides to shake me awake for no reason.

Love you all, and stay well!

With lots of love,

Milly/The Author

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