Hiding The Blood-thirst-Plan

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(A/N many switching of povs here. Prepare yourselves. Also, the memes I put up there will have no effect in the story, unless I say so.)

Shoto P. O. V.

After hearing those news, I mentally had a breakdown worrying for....him.

What if he got hurt?


Would I ever see him again if that happened?

I stopped myself. I'm sure he'll be fine. But still, he has a knack of getting himself into situations that gets him hurt.

And I really don't want that happening.

Quickly shaking off my worries, I slowly started to walk back to my dorm room.

Aizawa P. O. V.

I received the breaking news on my phone.


We already have villains, now this?

Sighing in frustration, I exited the teachers lounge to finally get some nap time and not get interrupted by my stupid phone's ringing. (Did I use that apostrophe correctly???)

"Be quiet author, now's my time to shine."


Flipping the author off, I turned away and started heading for my apartment.

"Wow, rude much-"

Deku P. O. V.

God, I bet everyone thinks I'm crazy.

First I act like the news is affecting me, then run out the room like a coward? Ughhhhhhhhhh.

Now, to answer all your suspicions, I shouldn't be acting like it was affecting me because I don't want anyone to know that I was bitten.

Heck no.

That'll just end up as a disaster for me.

And besides, they might kick me out, and that meant my chances of becoming a hero will be dust like from the crusty-ass manz fingers.

And F. Y. I. readers, yes I do swear, but it might only be lightly. (yeahhhhhh right, lightly)

Shut up author-chan.

"Why does everyone want me to shut up lately(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')"

"Umm, dont make that face again."

"Sure, sure I'm getting out now."

After the author disappeared behind the Fourth Wall again, I heard a faint "Like father, like son".

Okkkkkkkkkk moving on.

We have a bigger problem than author-chan communicating with us characters right now.

And that's hiding my blood thirst.

And jeez this will be hard.

Cause knowing the author she will yeet you into so many close calls you won't even know what hit you.

Yeah. That.

Anyway, I needed to come up with a plan.

First, is the blood. Jeez that came out weird.

I figured that it would be safer for me to have to sneak out to the hospital to grab some as it was risky for me to keep taking it off a UA student.

Blood bags? Check.

I had also noticed that my pupils were getting more crimson-red by the day, so contact lenses was a must.

Contact lenses? Ckeck.

Ohhhhh, GODDAMN IT. Teeth. Teeth. Teeth. AND I SMILE A LOT TOO! This is going to be a disaster. I will never let go of this now. THIS IS A FRICKING NIGHTMARE. The only thing I could come up with was to smile less, and talk less.

Teeth? Kinda check...

Anyway, now was only a matter of timing everything out and sneaking out of UA.

Oh god this is going to be a disaster....

~535 words~

(A/N: nothing much to say here either, except for the fact that I was a frustrated asshole yesterday night and at like 5 in the morning just got so annoyed with my writing that I deleted everything I'd been working on for the other story- so the publishing of it might have to be delayed for a bit. :( stupid I know)

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