Hiding The Blood Thirst-Action

160 5 22

Deku P. O. V.

Haaaaaaa, tonight's the night.

For me to sneak out to the hospital :D.

This is going to end so well for me, I just know it.

Please note the sarcasm.

~time skip~

So, now all that the day is finally over, I have to do the impossible. And that makes me sound like a mission impossible person---

(Author-chan is going to be angryyyy~)


Walking off to my form room, I pulled on warm clothes and everything. I also noticed that I had added strength and speed. 

Please don't take that out of context. 

That's bad. 

Gently opening the window, and being careful to not make a single noise, I slid out the window and landed softly onto the pavement outside.

Brushing myself off, I blended into the dark and treaded carefully down the street.

(Let's just say that the hospital is fairly far away, and it takes like 1 hour for a normal person to walk there, 45 minutes for a vampire to walk there and 30 minutes for a vampire to run there)

The hospital was deathly quiet, and not a single person was in sight. Good.

The automatic door slid open quietly, and I creeped to the main lobby.

Now let's see...





Blood is on the top floor?


This hospital has like 10 floors. How convenient. 

Why does the author have to do this to me...

(Author-chan: it's for the plot, Mister Broccoli-boy.)

Of course it is.

Practically sprinting upstairs, I searched around for the blood packets.

Going to the very end of the corridor first, I quickly skimmed for the blood box. 

Seeing the sign for blood, I sighed a quick breath of relief and rushed in.


Grabbing the nearest sachets quickly, I stuffed them carefully into my pockets.

So far so good am I right?


Come on readers, reply.


~another time skip, and author telling off our favourite green head later...~

Author can be scary when she wants to be...

Finally reaching U.A., I checked the time on my phone and my eyes widened.

It was time for school to start.


I knew author wasn't going to give me an easy time...

Shit I gotta stop.

Finally reaching the Doors of Death, (reference, can you identify it?), also know as the 1-A door, I slowly trudged in while suddenly finding the dust on the floor so incredibly interesting.

Has that one dust ball always looked so lumpy?

Heh, apparently (I spent like 5 minutes on spelling that, until I finally remembered how to turn on autocorrect) not.

The class was silent.

"Midoriya, where the fUCK WHERE YOU-"

~456 words~

(A/N: Milly? Updating? Has the world ended?


Not much to say, sorry for the....very very delayed updates. I'm trying my best, it's just I can't force my body to be tying with my arms up-.

Anyway, enough about me, how are you guys since I last saw you? Did you drink water? Eaten something?

As the author who is always worried about my readers, if you're reading this at 2 in the morning, first of all, GET SOME SLEEP, second, why are you reading this fanfic so early -_- there are many better fanfics you could read. And you're here.

But, it is appreciated thanks :)

Stay safe, peeps, and see you.....I don't know-)

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