Troopers End - CHAPTER 8

Start from the beginning

"Look at you, a pawn of the republic, she was also merely a pawn," Baron said taunting him

"And what does that make you Baron?" Galek said echoing in the factory

A shot zipped by Galek's helmet and the clanking of the catwalk from baron's feet from him running. Galek began shooting his Z6 at the catwalk and then disappeared in the darkness when Baron looked down. Galek ran to the top of the catwalk stairs where Baron couldn't see him. Galek slowly pulled out his DC-17 and shot Baron's leg. Baron fell to the ground dropping his rifle off of the catwalk. He looked over his leg to see the Glowing red visor of Galek's helmet glow in the darkness as he came up from the stairs.

"You fight for a faction that wants to make the system an empire," Galek says bolstering his DC-17

"You fight for a false democracy Galek," Baron says grunting in pain

"On every world the CIS strikes, we'll be there too. We will sacrifice when necessary. There is no surrender. The 597th fights for hope, for freedom, for the republic." Galek says rotating the Z6, "So does havoc platoon and so do I"

Galek unloads an entire magazine into Baron. Galek opened his bag and planted his X4 charges all over the factory. He knew neither the CIS nor the republic can have this back so he had to destroy it all. Galek walked outside boarding the LAAT that came back with Xesh squad. The LAAT takes off with the doors open, Galek detonates the charges as all of Xesh squad watches the factory blow up. The LAAT flies back to the Leviathan as a Ghost Division LAAT flies over from The Haunter.

"Seems like Oak is here," Revai says

The LAAT lands in the hanger as the troopers fall out of the LAATs and 2 medics transporting Zannah's body away. Jorgan and Oak walk over to Galek and Xesh Squad.

"Report Captain," Jorgan said with a demanding voice

Galek pulled Zannah's lightsaber from his waist and dropped it into Jorgan's hands and said

"Here is your report Commander"

Galek walked off throwing his Z6 into one of the Crates and then walking into the corridor to the armory. Jorgan looked at the lightsaber and then looked at Wraith. Wraith nodded and went after Galek.

"It was that bad huh?" Jorgan said to Yuun

"Yeah, heavy losses under his command. The factory was destroyed and Baron was killed but we lost too many men." Yuun responded

"Well we are heading back to Ossus with Oak to speak with the Generals so get him straightened up," Jorgan said

"Understood commander," Yuun said walking towards Wraith's direction

Galek came out of the armory with his helmet in his hand and began walking back to the hangar where he sees Jorgan speaking to Oak next to the GD LAAT.

"Oak, the mission on Ord Mantell was necessary to stop the Seps from taking our vehicle blueprints," Jorgan said

"Even though I do believe it's a smart move, Galek was hit the hardest and it can affect him in many different ways." Oak replied, "I created him to be a ghost, you remade him to be one of the best troopers of Havoc platoon."

Galek approached them with his helmet in his hand towards them as they are talking about moving to Ossus.

"I hear we are heading to Ossus?" Galek says, "what for?"

"Order's by Dzoun, we will evaluate our missions and go out for more," Jorgan responds

Galek puts his helmet on and nods. He turns around and walks towards the command center hallway. Jorgan looks at him walk off and then looks at Oak.

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