Battle of Dantooine Part 1 - Chapter 2

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"So you are the Galek that Oak talked to me about," Commander Jorgan says to Galek.

"So you are the Galek that Oak talked to me about," Commander Jorgan says to Galek

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Galek turns around looking at Commander Jorgan and just stands there in silence. He snaps out of his shock and stands at attention and responds "Yes sir!"

"You were on Dantooine, so you tell me what all these rumored reports are about," Jorgan demanded.

"It was a small skirmish to set up camp, intel told us about small droid squads patrolling the area and we didn't take it seriously. A small amount of casualties sir that is all." Galek said as he removed his new 597th helmet.

Galek held his helmet in his hand and continued to look at Jorgan. Jorgan walks away from Galek and walks towards the corridor. Galek disturbed by the fact Jorgan walked away from him without saying anything else he catches up to the commander.

"Sir if I may ask, where are we going?" Galek asked

Jorgan stops where he was walking and looked over his shoulder. Jorgan said Dantooine to Galek and then continued walking. Galek stopped in his tracks in shock he couldn't really think of how he would show up on Dantooine to assist Ghost Division in his new armor. Galek snapped out of it and ran into the armory where Wraith, Yuun, Thresher, and Revai waited for him.

"Revai what's the point of you bringing smokes again?" Wraith asks

"Well when it hits the fan we are going to need air support from Thresher, so you wanna pop one of these bad boys on the ground around those clankers and all you will see is a bunch of scrap metal fly around" Revai excitingly explains

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"Well when it hits the fan we are going to need air support from Thresher, so you wanna pop one of these bad boys on the ground around those clankers and all you will see is a bunch of scrap metal fly around" Revai excitingly explains

"Well when it hits the fan we are going to need air support from Thresher, so you wanna pop one of these bad boys on the ground around those clankers and all you will see is a bunch of scrap metal fly around" Revai excitingly explains

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