sorry part 2: the dramatic conclusion

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what an epic absence on my part. i'm really the coolest.

but uhm. if you couldn't tell from the title(which you... probably could) i'm not gonna be keeping going with this book. as much as i like the idea, i've lost motivation for keeping up with a lot of things. this is one of them, especially because over lockdown i was suddenly hit with an eye opening realisation(which is that i think it's really really weird- for me personally, not for other people by any means, do what makes you happy- to write fics about real people, and i can't really do that anymore). i've been debating discont'ing this fic for a little bit, i just never really had enough courage to officially do that, but... yeah.

didn't feel fair to keep that notice up like there was any hope of this book coming back. yeah, uhm... sorry skfjghdjfg. 

i'm active on ao3 now, but i mainly write haikyuu!! so that isn't really relevant, i guess. uhm. if anybody would like to do anything with this book/plot, feel free to dm me, i'm more than happy to hand it over, but don't feel pressured into anything. if this plot just exists in the void forever i'm more than happy for that to happen. i'm glad i got to put it out there even for a little bit.  

stay safe and try to obey whatever restrictions are in place in your region.

signing off officially, 

-mx author(kye/zen). 

sorry again. :) <3 

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