
I walked down to breakfast with Draco once he was done getting ready.

"You're not wearing that to your meeting are you?" My father asked without even a good morning.

"Good morning to you too dad" I scoffed quietly before sitting down and helping myself to food.

Breakfast was quiet after that.

"Your meeting is at lunch time." Lucius said flashing a fake smile at me. "I suggest you change into something more... sophisticated" he stood up from the table and left without another word. I let out a sigh and got up with everyone else.

I walked back to the bedroom and looked at the closet for a moment. I just changed my t-shirt into a silk button down and put on some heels.

That will work.

As I was fixing my shirt in the mirror Draco walked in.

"How you feeling?" He asked hesitantly. I looked at him through the reflection of the mirror. I didn't even answer. My normal coping mechanisms were failing me as we got closer to what I assumed was my demise.

"I'll be in there the whole time. Just.. don't make eye contact.. and make sure you refer to him as" he cleared his throat slightly as if it pained him when he said it "my lord" my eyes fell from his as I continued to mess with my shirt.

"Okay" I barely spoke. I felt his hand land on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this" he whispered.

"Don't be. It's not your fault" I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. Though they weren't out brightest smiles. It felt comforting.

We just waited around for the time to come. Both of us tried to make the most of it but we were filled with nerves. As we stood outside the double doors to the sitting room Draco intertwined his fingers in mine and squeezed. He also gave me a reaffirming nod before opening the door.

I saw a tall pale figure in a chair by the fire, with a snake slithering at his feet. He stood and turned to face us.

"Draco..." he looked at him briefly before turning to face me. "You must be y/n" he gave me a creepy smile as he moved closer to me. I tried to stand tall as he did. Not realizing my knuckles were going white from how tight I was holding Draco's hand. He put his wand under my chin and lifted my face, turning it left and right as if he was inspecting me.

"She's quite the beauty" he said slowly. "Would be more so if I could put that mark of mine on her pretty little arm" he then touched his wand to my forearm. I could feel Draco tense next to me. "Draco" he looked to him. "Why don't you run and get your parents for me, hers too.. I'd like to speak with her...alone for a moment" he turned his creepy smirk back down to me.

"My lord..." Draco started to rebuttal as he didn't want to leave me alone.

"Leave, now" he said pointing his wand directly at me threateningly. Draco's hand left mine, any comfort I had leaving with it as he walked back through the double doors. "Come. Sit" he said to me as he walked back to his chair. I sat down on a couch across from him.

"Your father told me you a talented witch..." I didn't say anything to the sentiment. Just nodded. "I also heard you waisted your time on a mudblood as a suitor.. is that correct?" There was a short silence as I thought about Damian.

"Y-Yes... my Lord" the words felt like vomit coming out of my mouth.

"Pity. It was kind of Lucius to allow you to marry his son... after that" his creepy smile never left. "Tell me y/n, how am I supposed to trust... a blood traitor" he stood up and walked closer to me. His wand found my forearm again and lifted the fabric, "without you pledging yourself to my legion" I didn't have an answer. Was I supposed to answer? Was it rhetorical? Luckily there was a knock on the door that interrupted my thoughts. "You may come in" I felt comfort in seeing Draco come in followed by our parents. I could see a few of them tense at the site of Voldemort's wand on my forearm.

"My Lord.." my mother started "please she is only a child" he took his wand off of me and pointed it to my mother without hesitation.

"Crucio" I saw her fall to the ground, tears were forming in my eyes as her screams and cries filling the air. I closed my eyes and turned away when it eventually stopped. He then got into my face. Putting his wand under my chin again.

"You will help Draco in any way he needs. One step out of line... you both die." he snarled before apparating away. I sat there frozen for a moment before running to my mom.

"Mom?" She was cradled on the ground, with sweat dripping off of her forehead. She smiled up at me.

"I'm okay darling. As long as you're okay" she put her hand on my cheek. I pulled her into a hug, trying not to hurt her any further.

Her body was pulled away from me and I looked up to see my father.

"You got lucky" he sneered before taking my mom away. I didn't realize that silent tears were still streaming down my face.

I couldn't process what had just happened. Except that I was walking out of there alive, unharmed and without the dark mark.

He was right. I did get lucky. But why..?

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now