"We're about to go out to eat!" Matt calls from the couch. "Nobody's ready!" Mahogany yelled from her room. "Then get ready!" Jacob says and we all begin to laugh. "Don't rush me." She says before slamming the door. "Love you too babe!" Jacob yells.

"Shawn I'm stealing one of your sweatshirts." I say while going through his suitcase. "No your not." He argues and I pull out a sweatshirt with his school's name on it. "Can you at least give back some of my other clothes?" He asks.

"I can't hear you." I sang while grabbing a pair of black shorts and walking into the bathroom to change. I put on my black converse and walked out the room to see all the guys waiting. "Mahogany and Azucena hurry up."  Gilinsky yelled and Mahogany opened her door. "We can move slower if you want us to." She said to Gilinsky and he put his hands up in defeat. "Thought so." She smiled and closed the door behind her. 

"Wait... You normally take the longest to get ready, how did you get ready so fast?" Taylor asked. "I did my makeup earlier." I say and both Mahogany and Azu exit their rooms at the exact same time. "Finally I'm hungry." Hayes says and we all rolled our eyes. When is he not hungry?

We walked into some Italian restaurant and they put a bunch of tables together so we can sit with each other. I ended up sitting in between Kyle and Shawn. Kyle was socializing with some of the other guys and Shawn was talking to Aaron. Everyone was having their own little conversations. Even though I was surrounded by the people I love, I still felt alone.

The  waitress came over to the table and you can tell she was checking out all of the guys. I ordered some random type of pasta since it was the first thing I saw when I opened the menu. While everyone was trying to get to know Kyle I decided to go on twitter for a while.

@Sky_Dall: New music coming out soon :)

After I tweeted that Shawn got a notification from twitter. Awe he has my notifications on, I have his on too but I didn't know he had mine on. Soon my phone lit up from a twitter notification. From Shawn.

@ShawnMendes: I can't wait for the new music @Sky_Dall :) <3

"Are you guys seriously texting each other when your sitting next to each other?" Nash asked and both Shawn and I looked up at him. "No we're tweeting each other." I say before looking back down at my phone.

@Sky_Dall: @Nashgrier is so annoying. Love you Nash :)

Nash soon got the notification and looked down at his phone beginning to type. My phone the lit up from a notification from Nash.

@Nashgrier: @Sky_Dall your annoying too. And stop tweeting @ShawnMendes your sitting right next to each other

@Sky_Dall: @Nashgrier why are you tweeting me when your sitting across from me? and I'll tweet whoever I want to tweet :p

Soon his phone rang from a notification. "Can you guys stop?" Cameron asked.

@Sky_Dall: @CameronDallas just said "Can you guys stop?" Tell him I said No :)

Cameron looked down at his phone than looked up at me. "Real mature." Cameron says "Real mature" I mock and he glares at me. I smile back at him before my phone rings from a notification.

@ShawnMendes: @Sky_Dall Stop stealing my clothes!!!

I quoted the tweet.

@Sky_Dall: "@ShawnMendes stop stealing my clothes!!!" NEVER!!! :)  :* 

Shawn looked at me with with the 'really' look on his face. Soon the food came and we stopped tweeting each other.


We left the restaurant and now we're back at the hotel deciding on what movie to watch. "Let's watch The Lion King" I say and the girls agree. "I say we watch Harry Potter" Shawn says "I say we don't" Azu says to Shawn. "I didn't asks for your opinion" Shawn says back crossing his arms over his chest like a four year old. "I didn't ask for your opinion" Azu mocks Shawn and crosses her arms over her chest like Shawn just did. Shawn threw a pillow at her and She caught it. "Thanks, I needed it anyways." She smirks and the guys put in a movie.

"Is this suppose to be scary?" I ask halfway through the movie when the scary looking lady pops out of no where. "Shut up" Matt says while holding a pillow up to his chest. I roll my eyes and continue watching the movie. 

This is basically what we did the rest of the night, we watched 'scary' movies and ended up falling asleep in the living room when we watched a boring movie that Hayes choose.


Sorry for this boring filler chapter but it's 4:40 am and im about to sleep in until 3 cause i have no school all week :D

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Twitter: @UnnaturalMendes

personal Ig: @_Ahrayal_

snapchat: @ayoung700

Tumblr: @forever-a-nobody

Thanks for reading :)

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