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All the guys were inside fooling around like always. I walked outside and picked 11 random girls from GA to help me prank the guys. I talked to the security guys and told them to let them onstage in the middle of the show. We went into a separate room and started filling up water balloons with weird combinations. "Were going to give this to all of the VIP to throw at the guys, but were going to have huge water guns filled with juice" I say and they all agree. They were about to start letting VIP in so I gave them each VIP passes and we went to the doors where they would let fans in through. We took the bucket of balloons and handed them out. We told them not to show the guys and to throw it at them when I say go in the mic. Each person agreed and I took the 11 girls backstage to fill up the water guns.

"Mix the juices together." They each started pouring random juices in the water guns.

"One last thing don't get Azu and Mahogany wet, they're going to be standing by the DJ equipment." I say and they agree once more. Mahogany and Azu were going to record this and put it on vine, I was going to set up two tripods at different angles recording the entire thing and put the entire video on YouTube. 

"Skyler get onstage." Bart said and I walked out the room, Bart knew what I was planning to do, he said I can do it as long as I clean it up afterwards. "Come onstage in about 20 minutes." I say before walking onstage.

Mahogany started playing 7 11 and we all began dancing like we were crazy.

20 minutes soon passed and I screamed now into the mic. I stepped out of the way and everyone started throwing the balloons at the guys I ran backstage while they were doing that and grabbed a water gun, the 11 girls followed me onstage and we sprayed the guys. I sprayed Shawn and Cam from behind, it was easy for me since they were standing right next to each other. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Cam yelled while turning around to face me. Shawn turned around after. They both glared at me and I sprayed them both with whatever juice I had left. Soon all of our water guns were empty.

"RUN!" I yelled to the girls, the guys came running behind us but ended up slipping on the stage. We ran into the girls bathroom and locked the door behind us. We all started laughing and gave each other high-fives. "I'll make sure the guys follow you" I said and peaked out the bathroom to make sure the coast is clear. It was so I let them go stand in the crowd before the guys found us. I had to go back onstage to finish the event.The guys are going to kill me.

I walked out the bathroom and walked out to the stage was, all the guys where sitting around on the stage listening to Shawn sing.After he finished all attention was directed to me. "Oh look, if it isn't the little prankster herself." Sammy said making the guys turn towards me. "Before you get revenge that was payback from last night, therefore we're even." I said and the guys give me the not really look. "We're no where near even sweetheart." Taylor says moving closer to me. This is going to be an interesting day.


"Can you help me clean before the meet and greet?" I asked starting to pick up the broken balloons and throwing them in the trash. "We would love to stay and help, but you know we kinds have to change out of these clothes." Nash said and the guys agreed following him out the door to get back to the hotel. "Girls?" I asked looking over at Mahogany and Azu.

"You see, I would but I'm busy."She says sitting down on the couch. "Doing what?" I asked her and she looked up from her phone. "I'm busy favoriting people's tweets." She said smiling obviously trying to avoid cleaning. "Azu?" I asked.

"I would, but I don't feel like it."  She said and I groaned.

I finished moping the floor when the guys came back. There is no way I'm going to trust any of them, but they would get me when I least expect it. They walked over to Mahogany, Azu and I, I slowly moved away and the guys laughed. "Don't worry, we're not going to get you back. We thought about it and we felt that we are even." Carter says. Mhmmmm. That is such a lie, I just need to figure out what they're planning and when so I can be ready.

Only You {Shawn Mendes}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon