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Later that night Taylor and I sat in Cam's hotel room while Can was hanging out with the guys. "Just call him and tell him." Taylor says while handing me my phone that I threw on Cam's bed a few seconds ago. I unlocked my phone and found Zach's contact. I quietly sighed to myself before pressing the call button.

He can't hurt me anymore, I'm in Canada and He's back in California.

After a few rings an angry Zach answered. "where the hell are you?!" He growls through the phone. "Zachary I'm done." I say, I can feel Zach getting angry through the phone. "What do you mean by your done? Where the fuck are you? I'm coming to get you."

"I'm done with our shitty relationship or whatever you call it. I'm just your punching bag, you release your anger by hitting me and it's not fair, it's not fair to me." I said with tears brimming my eyes. "Four months. I let it go on for four months. I was so afraid to tell anyone but I'm not afraid anymore." My voice was low but you can still hear it crack. The tears that were brimming my eyes rolled down my cheeks and fell onto my lap.

"You can't do this!" He yelled. "4 fucking months we've been together and your just going to ruin it by leaving me!" He yelled again actually scaring me. I haven't really been afraid of someone, I was the type of girl who had a I don't care attitude. I didn't care about anyone or anything I was just doing me. "Where the hell are you?!" He asked, he wasn't really asking he was demanding for an answer. "Bye." I say taking the phone away from my ear "Don't fucking end the call I swear I will find you! Do you-" I cut him off by ending the call.

More tears fell from my eyes one by one before they all fell at once. Soon I was hysterically crying my eyes out while sobbing. A pair of arms wrapped around me as I cried. I looked up and saw Taylor. My vision was blurred due to the tears but I can tell he was concerned.

He held me in his arms for what seemed like forever. "You're okay." Taylor said and kissed my forehead. "Please don't tell anyone." I say while looking up at him. "Don't you think Cam should know?" Taylor asked confused on why I didn't want to tell anyone. But Cameron would be angry at me because I didn't tell him sooner. "Cameron Can't find out." Was all I said and Taylor agreed not to tell. We sat on my bed and Taylor just let me cry.

This is why I love Taylor, He's so playful and fun to be around but He's serious when it comes to things likes this. He doesn't joke around like he normally would. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it.

"Thanks for staying with me, it means a lot. You didn't have to stay with me but you did. I really do appreciate it." I pulled him in for a hug and he kissed my cheek. "It's no problem." He say before continuing. "If you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away." He says and I nod.

I'm kind of relieved to know I have someone on this tour that I can come to whenever I need someone to talk to. I know I can always talk to Cam but I feel like he over exaggerates sometimes. If I told Cam about what happened with Zach he would be willing to buy a plane ticket just to beat up Zach then get another plane ticket back so he can yell at me for not telling him sooner.

Eventually I fell asleep in Taylor's arms thinking about everything.

***MORNING ***

I woke up to an empty room. I had no clue where Cam was. He probably went over to Nash's room or something. I grabbed my phone from off of the nightstand and looked at the notifications. I have at least 50 miss calls and texts from Zach. I decided to delete those messages and block his number. I had a text from Cam and Taylor.

TayTay: I left last night after you fell asleep don't worry your secret is safe with me. I still think you should tell Cameron but it's up to you.

I decided to read Cam's text next.

Cammybear: We left to pick up the other guys at the airport we didn't want to wake you. We'll be back at around 10 don't talk to strangers. Strangers= Danger :)

I slightly laughed to myself before climbing out of bed. I picked out a pair of black high waisted shorts and a white croptop. I went into the bathroom and started playing my music. Secondhand serenade like a knife came on.

"But what do I know, if you're leaving all you did was stop the bleeding.
But these scars will stay forever,
These scars will stay forever and these words they have no meaning if we cannot find the feeling that we held on to together try your hardest to remember."

I sang along to the song as I got in the shower. I washed my hair and body then I shaved before getting out the shower. I ended up being in the shower for over an hour just singing to whatever songs played from my phone. After I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun for now. I changed into the outfit from earlier before walking out the bathroom. I decided to go downstairs to the mini cafe the hotel had in the lobby. I ordered tea and a muffin before going back upstairs to the hotel room.

I sat in my bed drinking my tea and eating the muffin I brought earlier. I was flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch.

Maybe I should try making a YouTube video with all the guys later
That thought came across my mind and I shrugged. I've been meaning to make a video with the guys for a while now but it just never happened. Maybe I will actually make the video with them later.

It was a little after 12:00 when you heard yelling and footsteps running down the hall. "The boys are back." I mumbled to myself before standing up walking to the door. I open the door to be sprayed with water. The guys were running around the hotel's hallway with water guns. "SKYLER!" Matt yelled and jumped on to me. "get off of me." I say trying to pry Matt off of me. He was drenched in water from the guys water fight. "No." He says not moving. "Matthew Lee Espinosa." I groan in annoyance. I just took a shower. "Azu come get your boyfriend." I whine. "Matt get off." Azu playfully ordered. "Okay." He smiled and jumped off of me. "How did that work?" I asked. Azu shrugs and Matt laughs. "I only listen to Azu." He says and the guys all laugh. Hayes tosses me a water gun from a bag on the floor, the gun was already filled with water. I sprayed Matt with the cold water from the gun. "COLD! COLD! COLD!" Matt yelled while jumping around. We all laughed while Matt jumped around.

"You deserve that." I say and the guys grab their water guns before entering Carter's room.

I rolled my eyes before entering me and Cam's room to change once again.

"Can you please sit down?!" I say as the guys ran around the room slapping each other. I'm definitely putting this in the beginning of the video. I turned the camera off and waited for the guys to stop running around. It took an hour or so but I finally calmed them down. We were doing an ask MagCon and all the guys were here trying to fit into the camera. Shawn was in the back being antisocial. "Out of all of the guys who has fucked Skyler?" Taylor read and I looked at him like he was stupid. "None of them." I say into the camera with a straight face.

"Why did Skyler and Shawn break up?" Hayes asked. Shawn looked up from his phone to look at Hayes too. I looked over at Shawn and he rolled his eyes. "Why are all the question based on me?" I asked and the boys shrugged. We stopped the camera and looked for questions that don't involve hate towards me. "Have Taylor dance to a song." Johnson said.  It's not a question but we'll do that. We repeated the statement to the camera before turning off once more to turn it so it's facing the area where Taylor was going to dance.

"I never want to see you guys again." I said when we finished the video. I kicked all the guys out including Cameron. I laid down in bed and attempted to take a quick nap. I slowly closed my eyes when there was a knock on the door. I groaned before climbing out of bed and going over to the door. I opened the door to see the last person I wanted to see.


Cliffhanger (*¯︶¯*)

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Btw my friend LexiBones123 started a book. Please go read and vote on it. It would mean a lot to both Lexi and I. Thanks :)

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