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The meet and greet was starting and not a lot of people came over to me. Of course my few fans came over to me and we had mini conversations, but for the most of it the fans were with the other guys. Azucena and Matt have been dating for the longest, I guess they just got use to her. I quickly finished the few people who were one my line before going on instagram. A small group of girls walked over to me, I looked up at them and the girl with ombre hair started laughing. "Is there something funny?" I asked annoyed. "Yeah you. Your entire career is a joke just like you, just admit that your a fake bitch who doesn't deserve the guys." The same girl replies.

"Shawn doesn't love you, your a whore. You just broke up with Cody and now your dating Shawn." The blond girl said and I crossed my arms over my chest pretending not to care when it actually hurt like hell. "I'm a whore?" I ask letting out a fake laugh, the girls nodded. "Coming from the three girls who are wearing shorts shorter than what a stripper would wear, in the middle of winter may I add and your faces are caked in makeup. So if I'm a 'slut' or a 'whore' then I wonder what the hell you three are." I say. By now everyone was looking at me.

"Fucking bitch." The girl with ombre hair said. "Who are you talking to?" I asked while looking around me. "I know your not talking to me cause I'm nobody's female dog that's for sure. You may be but I'm not." I said with a fake smile. She picked up my water at threw it all over me.

"fucking asshole." I mumbled and jumped over the table. I grabbed her by her hair and started punching her. She scratched me in my face a few times but I didn't care. One of the guys grabbed me pulling me off of her. I tried to break free of whoever was holding me but I soon gave up as I realized that I wasn't going to get away.

"I'm pressing charges." She cried and I laughed. "Go ahead, see if I care. Dumb ass bitch." Was the last thing I said to her before I was carried backstage. I finally got a chance to see who was carrying me. Cameron. Great it's time for a long ass lecture. "Are you okay?" He asked and I shrugged. "Why are you always fighting someone whenever I turn around?" He asked.

"Actually she was the first person I fought on the tour so far." Cameron gave me that look and I stopped talking. After his long speech that I barley payed attention to was over I decided to get some Starbucks and go back to the hotel while the guys finish the meet and greet without me.


I got back to the hotel and logged into younow. I sat on the bed and started the video, I tweeted saying that I was on younow. I waited for people to join and they soon did "Hey guys it's me Skyler. As you may know I'm dating Shawn Mendes, he's a really sweet guy but I'm getting hate because of it. I have seen some of the positive things you guys send to me and I would like to thank you for that. But I also seen you guys sending hate to Shawn's fans, I don't want you guys to hate on each other for something so stupid. Why can't we live in a world where we all just get along?" I looked at a few of the comments some were saying that I was pretty, a few people asked if I can kill myself but I saw one comment that actually answered my question. "Because we live in a fucked up world were no one gives a damn about other people, if it's not affecting them they could care less." I read out loud. I grabbed my Starbucks drink and took a sip. Soon the door opened revealing all the guys plus Azu and Mahogany. "Here comes the guys." I say, soon there were comments asking me to bring them on camera. "Say hi to younow." I say and all the guys said hi. I turned the computer back around and Taylor jumped on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest. "Hey bae!" He said and kissed my cheek "Hey bae." I replied laughing. Instantly comments like 'isn't Shawn in the room' 'your cheating on Shawn' 'thot' 'whore' and 'slut' came rolling into the comments. "Relax he was joking." I said and Shawn came into the younow. "He better be joking." Shawn said pushing Taylor off of me.

"Keep it up and I'll get Sky on you. Right Sky?" Taylor teased "Nope." I laughed and snuggled into Shawn's chest. "By the way Sky kicked ass today" Taylor said and I laughed. "No but seriously you should have seen her face after Cam carried you backstage. Like her face was fucked up and you only have a few scratches by your eye?" He says the last part more like a question than a statement. Taylor touched the cut and I winced in pain. "Can you not." I say and He laughs. "Moral of the story don't get me mad." I said smiling. "No just kidding don't spread hate spread positively." We stayed on younow a little longer before we said bye to younow.  

"Do you still want to take that walk on he beach?" He asked and I nodded. I grabbed Shawn's Shawn Mendes hoodie and put it on. I put on my grey vans and grabbed my phone. "Can you bring your guitar?" I asked Shawn and He agreed. He grabbed his guitar and we left.


We walked along the beach until we came across a few large rocks to sit on. Shawn pulled out his guitar, "I'll play as long as you agree to sing with me." I agreed and he began to sing those very familiar cords. Shawn started singing thinking out loud.

When my hair's all gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

We finished the song and I couldn't help but smile. This was our song and the lyrics matched us perfectly. I know I felt the same way about Cody but my feelings are much stronger for Shawn plus Cody admitted that he just wanted to use me. We sang a few more Ed Sheeran songs before walking back to the hotel hand in hand. Once we got back the the hotel I took a quick shower and changed into Shawn's grey sweatpants and one of my black tank tops. "You are always stealing my clothes." Shawn says. "I didn't steal them, I'm borrowing them." I say and he lets out a small laugh. "Then when am I getting all the stuff you 'borrowed' from me back?" He asked. "What day is it?" I asked.

"Monday January 19, 2015" He said and I pretended to count on my fingers. "Never." I smiled and Shawn picked me up and threw me on the bed. He began tickling my sides and I squirmed to get away from him. "Okay... okay..." I said in between fits of laughter. He stopped and I continued laughing. "Say Shawn is the best boyfriend I've ever had." He said. "But then I'll be lying." I said and he held on hand over his heart. "That hurts." He said playfully. I laughed and he began tickling me again. "Say it." He says while laughing. "Shawn is the best boyfriend I've ever had!" I yelled through the fits of laughter. Shawn continued to sit on top of me, he smiled down at me and began to lean down. His soft lips barely touched mine before we were interrupted. "The Chinese food is here." Jacob said and Shawn got off of me. He loves his Chinese food. I got off the bed and grabbed the food I ordered. I sat on the couch next to Shawn and he stole a few bites of my rice. "Shawn you have your own" I whined and he shrugged "But I want your's" He said taking another bite.

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