update and qotd cx

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Sooo.. im not ready for sunday or monday xc i feel like crying cause friday went so well... i got to hang out with an amazing person and cuddle her... yet now she is prob pissed at me and will never forgive me sooo yeah xc hooorrrraaay i feel just terrible cause i appearently disrespected her grandma and i really didnt mean too.... like im pretty respectful to people i cant be rude to anyone cause im always afraid of being hated or judged ...i wish i just stayed at school like i should have  ... and i dont know what to say to her at school ;-; tbh i feel like she dosnt want shit to do with me v.v why do i always fuck my friendships up ;-; i will try to be a better person v.v i will i will still apologise to her grandma cause i dont wanna be rude ;-;

Qotd- whats your fave animal mines a panda *0*

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