beautiful poem about self hatred

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You look into the mirror and see nothing but




And what they call you

You think nothing but






Your slowly losing your mind

And while everyone is twisting and olaying with your heart

You would sell your soul to be anyone else

Anyone you beg

Someone better

Someone taller

Someone skinnier

Someone prettier

Someone worth living For

People In life seem to miss treat you

Like Its a game

They play you over and over

Home has never been home

Do anything to Get away from the hell whole

Parents arnt so nice

Daddy dosnt treat mom right

But he says you are still his perfect angel

And that you mean the world to him

You feel like giving Up

Tired of the wishing to be someone else

To look like someone


To have a better life

You pray and pray

Even Though you know It won't Work

You still beg and beg

Forgeting your self worth

People seem to forget

That your beautiful skin

Is All scarred

and you beautiful heart

Is All broken

Your past is tainted

And mind is twisted

Society is black and white

While you with colors

So beautiful while there so plain.

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