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Sometimes when i look happy i am broken and ready to cry, but i dont i move on like everything is okay because i rather be someone hated for who they are, than someone who everyone is sad for and still is hated.. but sometimes i just wish... that someone would hug me and hug me knowing that i am not okay and still love me... is that just me or ??
hai guys cx how are you?
i kinda maybe . might have.... punched some chick in the face today xc she was cursing at my sister ana , and it was making me angry but i was already angry so i just kinda pulled her back by her ponytale  and slugged her in the face, she went "boom" to the ground and when she got back up i pushed her around a bit and said '' talk to my sister like that again and i will fuck you up " honestly i feel really bad for it but at the same time it let me get out most my anger from today *-* idk whats wrong with me lately i just cant hold in my anger anymore .... so my mom is taking me to a gym and were gonna punch some punching bags and sturf cx so yay cx and i lost weight!!! im 95 lbs now !! i was surprised i dropped the girl with one hit she was like 2 inches taller than me and a bit bigger, but i am mainly muscle xD 95lbs of fury xD

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