anorexia poem fat

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Staring at yourself In the mirror

What were you thinking

Why did you eat

How stupid can you be

Your becoming ugly

So just don't eat

Fat fat fat

Is what you will be

If you dont listen to me

He dosnt like you

She will never look at you

Your not worth his Time

There's someone skinnier and prettier

Your to thick

You need




Worthless piece of fat

Your ugly and stupid

No one wants to talk to you

I want to see your bones

Every single one

show me you can do It

Spending days not eating how about weeks???

A flat stomach is nice but a concave is beautiful.

Don't eat

Don't eat


Every monster

Every demon saying



Please don't live your life like this

Xc I hope you know I know how It feels

To hate your body

To wish you have no fat

I still do

Starving everynight and day

Dying For perfection

No matter what happens.

I'm sorry I'm here For you <3. 

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