Chapter 6

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A month later

Third Person POV

Unbeknownst to Raelyn, there was a man hidden behind the bushes watching her every move intently. He wondered what it was about this one and why the boss wanted him to keep an eye on her. Nevertheless, he knew he had to do his job or his ass would be grass. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed the number he knew all too well.
Placing the phone to his ear he patiently waited for his boss to pick up.

Giovanni's POV
"Yes, Rocky," I stated after picking up my ringing phone
"I have eyes on her boss," he said
"Well Rocky it's go time," I said with a somewhat sinister smile on my face. Oh, I can't wait to see my princess.
"On it sir", Rocky said obediently.

Rocky's POV
I hung up the phone knowing it was time. I slowly advanced towards the house and I made my way to the window that I had been keeping an eye on, the window that was slightly ajar. I slid it up further as quietly as possible, I then slipped inside. Landing on my two feet on the ground I stopped to make sure I wasn't noticed. I soon began making my way towards the living room where the girl was seated watching tv. I took the rag out of my pocket and the small bottle of chloroform that I always had with me and drenched the rag in it. I slowly and carefully sneaked up behind her and placed the rag over her face. She fought at first and scraped me with her nails too but soon the chemical took over she was knocked cleanout. Removing the rag from her face I placed it into the plastic bag that I had brought with me and then put it back into my bag. I shot the boss a quick text to let him know that I had completed my mission and he responded with.

 " On my way.",

 The only thing left to do now was wait. So I sat down on the couch beside the knocked-out girl, removed the remote from her hands, and switched to the football game.

Giovanni's POV
Rocky had just messaged me to let me know the job was done and I was currently on my way over to the house of the beautiful girl who would soon be mine and all mine, nothing and no one will ever come between us. She will be my Queen and I shall treat her as such. The images of Raelyn and I together and happy danced around in my head as I drove and before I knew it was pulling into her driveway. Stepping out of my Rolls Royce I walked cheerily up the steps and just to humor myself I pressed the doorbell. I chuckled a bit then I opened the door and strode right in. I walked in the direction that the sound of the television was coming from and soon came upon Rocky sitting on the sofa beside a passed-out Raelyn watching the football game. I cleared my throat to gain his attention and he spun around quickly startled by my sudden appearance.
"Come on Rocky let's get out of here," I said while picking up a phone from the coffee table which I assumed belonged to Raelyn due to its intricate designs.
Handing the phone to Rocky, I picked up the still knocked out Raelyn and held her bridal style in my arms. Walking in front of Rocky I strode out of the house with a bright smile on my face knowing my baby girl was finally coming home with me.
The day I have anticipated since the day we met was finally here...

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