chan blinked a few times before reverting his attention back to felix. " lix, seems like there's a clear message from that whole mess you just told us about,".

felix furrowed his eyebrows, too confused to process what the older meant. " what do you mean, hyung?,".

hyunjin heard that and couldn't help himself. he got up and crossed his arms over his chest. " ugh, how dull can you be? changbin hyung clearly wants to get with you, yet you won't do anything about it,".

felix becomes flustered after hearing his words. he turned back to chan as to seek some sort of disagreement but all he was met with was a furious nod back.

" hyunjin's right, lix," he scooted closer and threw his arm over the younger's shoulders. " it seemed to me as though seeing you with someone else triggered something in changbin... as if he was jealous,".

felix could only process what they were saying to him. he was lost as to what to do with himself from that point on.

" so, like, what should I do then? I can't just walk up to him and say, " hey, I like you, kiss me!," felix responded, throwing himself back on his bed.

the other two laughed at the youngest's words. " actually, that's not a bad idea," hyunjin teased him, which resulted in him falling back as the impact of a pillow flew towards him.

chan remained calm as he broke down the situation a bit more. " as I've told hyunjin before, you can't wait forever. there's a huge possibility the other might just like you and I say go for it before it's too late," he shrugged and grabbed the bag of m&m's from hyunjin.

hyunjin widened his eyes and lifted his hand up, but was too late as chan threw not one but multiple m&m's into his mouth.

felix slowly nodded and went deep into thought. the room sat in silence for a while before lix spoke up once again. " alright, enough about me. what's up with you?," he motioned towards hyunjin, staring in a concerning manner.

hyunjin pouted and felt like screaming into his pillow all over again. " I swear if seungmin doesn't marry me in the next second, I might just cry myself to sleep," he rubbed his head as he spoke.

felix seemed a bit shaken up from the other's outburst but it didn't faze him. " hyung, don't you do that like everyday?". chan stopped chewing just to spit a quick, " haha," out before resuming back to eating.

hyunjin remained wide mouthed as he stared at the younger in disbelief. " if you don't quit telling my secrets, I'll send you back to australia and tell everyone you were kidnapped,". felix pretended to be scared, but remained silent nonetheless.

" alright, alright, enough. what is it that's bothering you so badly this time, jin?," chan finally spoke up, seeing as though the conversation wasn't going anywhere.

hyunjin took a deep breathe and starting telling them about his situation with seungmin from the day before. everything. the playful flirting, the hand holding, the blushing, all of it.

" and he had the audacity to get on his tippy toes and fix my hat for me. I don't even think it needed to be adjusted at all," hyunjin explained, as he went back and forth from one boy to the other.

" he was just so beautiful up close, I felt myself wanting to kiss him so badly, and I was going to but..." he trailed off a bit.

" but?..." chan continued for him. hyunjin pouted as he looked down at his fingers, playing with his rings a bit.

" jeongin had to interrupt right at that very moment," felix and chan both demonstrated facial expressions as if they were in pain, only imagining what the other must have felt.

hyunjin looked back up, lifting up his index finger for the emphasis on his words. " here's the thing. I felt like he wanted to kiss me just as badly but once that door swung open, I've never seen someone panick so badly. he practically yanked his hand out of mine and took like ten steps back," hyunjin grew upset as he recalled that very moment again.

the other two in the room could only stare at the boy in sadness. they knew that if anyone deserved to be together, it was them, they just couldn't understand what had been taking them so long.

" oh jin, i'm so sorry," chan quietly said, feeling a wave of tears come over him as he watched the other wipe his own tears away. he wished he could do something, anything, but he knew that this was between seungmin and hyunjin and he had to respect that.

felix pouted and ran to the other and tackled him into a hug. " I can't lie to you and say seungmin feels like same but please believe me when I say that that boy looks at you like you hung up every star in the sky. I just don't know why he can be so hard to read sometimes" hyunjin chuckled slightly as he continued to wipe his tears.

" I know seungmin and he doesn't do those types of things because he wants to. there has to be a reason he did what he did and I promise I'll try my best to find out what that is, okay?," he looked into hyunjin's eyes reassuringly.

hyunjin smiled slightly as he looked at felix and chan. " okay, thank you, guys,". chan smiled and held hyunjin's hand as felix continued to backhug him.


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