Christmas Time

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I sat in my room, lightly running my thumb over the strings on my guitar. Everybody had left and went to visit their families for Christmas and I had no one. Just a giant empty house and Jingles, who I decided to name Jingles since I found him so close to Christmas.

My phone started to ring. I reached over and grabbed it, looking at the CID. Sarah.

"Hello?"I asked as I stroked Jingles' fur. 

"Hey Hunter!"Sarah said cheerfully on the other end. I smiled at my best friend's happiness. 

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Well I'm over at my mom's and my family's over and I was just wondering..... Do you want to join us for Christmas?"

I was taken back. Shocked. I had just planned on spending Christmas with myself and Jingles. "Uh, sure! That'd be awesome."

"Great!" She gave me the directions to her mom's house and said I could come over around seven. I glanced at the clock. 6:30. "Oh and bring your guitar! My family always does this little talent show just for fun."

I grinned. "Alright. Oh, can I bring Jingles?"

"Who's Jingles?"

"My baby raccoon! I decided to name him Jingles because I got him so close to Christmas!"

"I guess. My family doesn't really mind them, as long as they're not trying to hurt us."

"You know he isn't like his mom."

She laughed. "Good thing, too! Okay, I gotta go. See you soon!"

I nodded, but then remembered she couldn't see me. "See you, too." We said our goodbyes then I hung up my phone. I sat my guitar down and jumped in the shower.

Ten minutes later, I was blow drying my hair. I pulled it back into a fishtail braid and tied it off to the side so it rest on my shoulder. Next, I grabbed the red and black dress I had bought the other day. I put my arms through the sleeves and turned so I could zip it. Then, I looked at myself in the mirror.

The dress was simple, it was red with black sleeves and a black collar. I walked to my closet and grabbed my black high tops. Yes, not proper shoes to wear but.... Oh whatever! 

Next, I grabbed my phone and slipped in my shoe. Then, I put my guitar strap over my head and let it rest on my shoulders. JIngles jumped into my arms and we walked down to the car.

About twenty minutes later, I was standing on the doorstep of Sarah's mother's house. I reluctantly rang the doorbell and waited.

Seconds later, a woman in her mid thirties opened the door. She looked just like Sarah, except with a few wrinkles. "Hey there!"she greeted, sending me a warm smile. 

"Howdy! Uh, I'm Hunter..... Sarah's friend?"

She nodded. "Right, she told me you were coming. Well, come on in." I obeyed and walked in her house. A few people who were in the living room looked up at me. Sarah, a younger girl who looked about fourteen, and a boy who looked about seventeen, walked over to us.

"Hunter! So glad you could make it!"Sarah said cheerfully, giving me a hug. I gave her one back, careful not to squish Jingles. She pulled back and gestured to the young girl and older boy.

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