Three Middle Names

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I laid on my couch, flipping through channels before finally settling on Spongebob. Sarah had texted me and said that she, Cassidy, and the boys were coming over after school. I glanced at the clock. 3:30pm. The doorbell rang. 

"IT'S OPEN!"I screamed. The door opened and the seven of them piled in. I looked over at them. 

"Why would you yell that?"Cass asked. 

"Yeah, don't you think that'd could've been officer Roberts?"Sarah questioned. I nodded and shrugged. 

"Yeah but like I said, I know street smarts."

"So?"Gabe asked. 

"So I can fight, and I can win." I stood up and walked over to them. 

"How many fights have you been in?"Dana asked. I began to count on my fingers. 

"Let's see.... 1.... 2.... 3.... 4...." I stopped counting and looked at him. "More than I cant count on two hands."


I nodded. "So uh have a seat! I assume the girls told y'all my story?" The boys took a seat on the couch beside me and nodded. Cass and Sarah sat on the love seat on the other side of me.

"When did you leave?"Cole asked. I noticed he had decided to sit next to me. I leaned back and rested my feet on his lap. 

"What do you mean?"

"When you left home. Obviously it takes a while to move across the country."

"Right. I believe it was back in August."

Dalton blinked. "You drive?"

I nodded. "But I uh... Kinda did that illegally. I just turned sixteen in December."

"What day?"Will asked. 

"Christmas Eve."

"You should've came over that day!"Sarah cried, causing me to look over at her. I smiled. 

"I came over the next day though!"

"So? Now I feel bad."

I shook my head and waved my hand. "Don't. I haven't celebrated my birthday in years."

"Why?"Cass asked. 

I bit my lip and sighed. "All the foster parents I've been with never really cared. I nearly forgot until one of my close friends sent me a birthday message."

Everyone was silent for a few moments. Until, Dalton spoke up,"Can't you just stay with one of us?"

I was taken back by his question. I hadn't really thought of staying with one of them. Come to think of it, that's not really a bad a idea. 

"Dalton... That's not really a bad idea..."Cass admitted. Hey now, I just thought that. Dalton grinned proudly. 

"See? I can think of smart ideas sometimes!"

"Hey Dalton, what's 2+2?"Dana quickly asked. 

"4! I'm not a freaking 1st grader, Dana."

He laughed and shook his head. "Wrong! It's fish!"

I gave him a clap. "Finally! Someone who understands! Quick, what's 7+7?!"

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