Fancy A Losing Dinner? ;)

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Cole and Gabe walked out onto the stage. Next, Cat, Sarah, and I walked out. Me in front of Cole, Car in the front of Gabe, and Sarah up front in the middle. Will flipped the black lights on and people gasped in shock. Off to the side, Dana hit the play button. The music started and Cat and I began dancing while Sarah sang Cole's first part of the song. 

The triangle moved to the right when it came time fore Cat to sing. Now, I stood in front of Gabe, Sarah in front of Cole, and Cat in the center. The only part I had in this way Dana's, which was coming up. I still had no idea what we were going to do... But I guessed it had something to do with the BIB (boys in black.)

Soon, it was my turn to sing. Sarah and Cat stepped forwards. Cat froze in a position where she has her left leg pulled up straight and her arms are over her head holding her ankles. Looks like it would hurt. As for Sarah, she stepped forward a few more steps then did a back handspring. Only it was incomplete and she stayed in a hand stand.

I stood in between Cole and Gabe, holding out 'Forever.' The second time I sang it, I was surprised when Cole squatted down in front of me and clasp his hands together. I gave him a cautious look, but he motioned for me to hurry. Sighing, I stepped on his hand and rested my hands on his shoulders. He pushed me up in the air and I flipped backwards. Thankfully, Gabe caught me just as my solo part was over.

Gabe put me down and I ran to the front of the stage to finish the dance. I saw out of the corner of my eye our principal standing and walking over to Will. Will, though, stood in front of the light switches and wouldn't let him touch them. 

But, he managed to get past Will. It was fine, though. Because by the time he had figured out which one turned the black light off, our song was over and by the time he flipped the regular lights back on, we were already off the stage and meeting with Dana, Dalton, and Cassidy. 


"Oh my God that was awesome! That flip was surprising, though. When did you plan that?"Cass asked as we began to walk out the door. We didn't win, but I didn't care. That was an awesome performance! But I was mostly happy Gabe didn't let me fall on my face.

"I still say what I do in Zero Gravity is better,"Dana grumbled. I gave him a pouty face and patted his head.

"Awe, is wittle Dana upset I do his part in Zero Gravity better?"I asked in a baby voice. He rolled his eyes.

"You're still the same girl from when we first met."

Dalton laughed. "Hey! I remember that!"

"Oh Dana, we will always have that moment together!"

He stared at me for a moment, before laughing. "Yeah, we're something special."

"Special Ed..."Will muttered. "By the way, we have detention for a month."

"Worth it!"Cat, Sarah, and I cheered. 

"Too bad we didn't win, though,"Cat said sadly. I shook my head. 

"What does it matter? We were epic. That's what matters." I turned to Cole and Gabe, who were walking behind us. "Y'all scared the crap outta me!"

"Yeah, you could've warned us...."Sarah added. The boys grinned at each other. 

"Now where's the fun in that?"Gabe asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

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