The Two Of Us? Alone? Okay...

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The next day I was my lazy day. I was skipping out on school because I was just that lazy. Literally, I could barely get dressed. All I was wearing was some grey baggy sweat pants and a neon orange tank top.

I was sprawled out on the couch, watching Spongebob, when the doorbell rang. Groaning, I rolled over and off the couch. I pushed myself up and wobbled to the door. Dear Lord I probably look like I'm so freakin drunk.

When I opened the door, I felt shocked at who was standing in front of me. "Er, Cole?"I asked. I stepped aside and let him in, then shut the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "You weren't at school."

"So you left school just to see me look like shit?" He chuckled.

"Actually, I came over to see if you were okay. Clearly you're just being lazy." I giggled and nodded.

"It's what I'm known for."

He smiled at me. "So, wanna go out? As friends, of course."


"Anywhere. We could go get some ice cream, go to the beach, anywhere."

"As long as I don't have to change."

"No, you look fine."

I nodded and shrugged. Then, I walked over and slipped my feet in some black Converse. "Shall we go?"I asked. He nodded and linked my arm with his. I laughed as we walked out of the house.


"It's so nice out here when everyone else is in school,"I said randomly. We were walking along the shore line barefoot. I forgot where we left our shoes and phones, which is totally not smart.

"Yeah, no stupid teenagers getting high or getting some here on the beach,"Cole agreed, nodding his head. I shot him a look.

"You are such a liar, people don't really get some on the beach. .... Do they?"

He shrugged. "It's LA, people do whatever."

"Ooh, that's horrible."

"Naw, you don't say?" I frowned and hit him in the chest. "Ow, abusive."

"Man up." He sighed and stopped walking, turning to me. He grinned evilly and my eyes widened.

"Cole..."I said cautiously. "Cole what are you-AH COLE PUT ME DOWN!"I screamed. He just threw me over his shoulder. I saw that he was taking us farther away from shore and I started to beat on his back. "Cole seriously, put me down!" I felt him shrug.

"If you really want me to..."

"Wha-" I couldn't even get the one word out of my mouth before I was underwater in freezy cold water. Instantly, I surfaced and glared at him. 

"Cole! This water is freezing!"I screeched. He just grinned at me like an idiot and ran away from me. Or, attempted to. If you've ever tried to run in water you'd understand how hard it is. I laughed at his attempt and ran after him. 

When I was close enough, I jumped on his back and knocked him into the water. I quickly got off him and waited for him to come up.

He didn't.

"Cole?"I asked into the empty water. Hunter you moron, how is he going to hear you underwater? "Er Cole..." I was getting ready to move when something grabbed my ankle. My eyes widened as I was pulled underwater.

I opened my eyes and stared back at Cole. He grinned at me then pulled me out of the water. "That water isn't freezing,"he said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm a girl. And girl's think mostly all water his freezing." I shrugged.

He stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around me. I was taken back by this. But, I did enjoy his warmth. Even though he was drenched in water, his hug actually got me kinda warm.

"Better?"he asked. I rested my chin on his shoulder.


We stood there for a few moments before things got awkward and he pulled away. I smiled slightly at him and looked away.

"Er... Where did we leave our shoes and phone?"Cole asked. I bit my lip and looked around. Seeing two pairs of shoes on the sand, I pointed to them.

"Over there." He nodded, grabbed my hand, and pulled me from the water. 

We got back to our shoes and put them on. Cole scrolled through his phone and shook his head. "Dang, the boys must love to blow up my phone."

I was doing the same. 16 missed calls and 37 text messages. I sighed. "Same for the girls."

"Girls? How much can two girls do to your phone?"


"Cassidy.... Sarah..."

"Cat... and Selena."


I gave him a flat look. "Never mind. Okay, it's only noon. Now what?"

"Uh.... Not really sure where we can go in soaking wet clothes." I smiled at him.

"We can go anywhere. Like to a movie?" 

He chuckled. "Okay, let's go." I smiled and we started to walk back down the beach.


I spent the whole day with Cole. After we went to the movies, there was a carnival that had just opened today so we went to that. We stayed there for about three hours. It's weird how much fun you can have at a carnival where there's like no people.

Now, we're back at my place watching The Walking Dead on Netflix.

"Cole,"I groaned, looking over at him. "What time is it?"

He looked at the clock on the wall and raised his eyebrows. "About eleven. Wow, time flies."

I huffed. "Yeah." I rubbed my eyes and yawned. He looked over at me. 


I nodded and started to get up. "Yeah." He stood up in front of me and picked me up, holding me bridal style. "Cole, what are you doing?"

"You're obviously to tired to even walk." He started to walk upstairs and towards my room. I rested my head on his chest.

"How did you know where my room was?"I asked, looking up at him. He didn't look back at me. 

"Lucky guess?" Cole walked into my room and laid me down on my bed. 

"Thanks Cole." He nodded and started to leave.

"Wait." He stopped and looked at me. 

Now, I don't know if it's because I was half asleep or what, but I asked probably the strangest thing I thought I could ask him. 

"Will you stay with me?"

He hesitated at first, but kicked his shoes off and laid down next to me. I rolled over and smiled at him. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight,"he mumbled. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Cole and Hunter chappie! :) Do you guys like it? I can't wait for them to get together aha!

Vomment! (Vote & Comment) Adios amigos!!

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