Chapter 2

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They arrived outside the dollhouse around the same time Ezra Toby and Caleb did."Which one of you Caleb." Elena asked.


"Hi i'm her aunt Elena. This is her mom Rebekah."

"At least i can say she acts like me." Rebekah said.

"'Y'all might want to stand back," Elena said. Everyone stepped back."Break the gate your only here cause your stronger then me,"

Kol and Damon broke the gate creating a big enough Hole."There you go princess."

"Oh shut up." They all walked in."This is old burial ground."

Rebekah broke down the door."I say we split up. You two go work out your problems because i'm tired of you arguing. Its been 17 years."

"I'm going to find my daughter. Please don't die in here." Elena flashed away,

"Will search over here come on" Bonnie walked off with Damon. Kol flashed off.

Rebekah and Katherine turned towards the guys."Not one of you flinched they told y'all."

"Yeah they did" Toby said.

"Ok becareful find anything just scream will find you." Rebekah said.


Elena was walking around when she found 5 doors."Not obvious at all." She kicked down the first door and found Hannah."Hannah."

Hannah got up and ran to her aunt."Elena."

Elena gave her a hug."Are you ok."

"No" Hannah shook her head.

The two stepped into the hall."I FOUND THEM."

Elena broke down the next 3 doors as Katherine Kol Damon and Bonnie flashed to them. Damon had Bonnie.


"Hi girls."

"Why is there another one i thought it was just you four" Katherine asked.

Elena knocked down the door. She seen a blond. Who got up and turned around."Mom."

"Mona." She nodded and took off the blond wig.

"Oh i'm gonna kill Ali where she stands." Elena said.

"We can worry about that later we have to get out of here," Katherine said.

"Who says you'll make it out alive."

Elena looked at Bonnie who nodded,"Get them out of here now."

Kol grabbed Aria and Mona and flashed out. Rebekah grabbed Hannah. Katherine grabbed Spencer. Damon grabbed Emily. Elena took out a bow and Bonnie grabbed the throwing stars."Lets have some fun."

The two girls walked foward they knew the building was blocking there magic. They split up and walked around. They seen a girl in hall. She had a knive."Elena Gilbert do you remember me."

"I killed you your back for revenge. You shouldn't have came after my new born." Elena shot her with an arrow pinning her to the wall. Elena flashed to her and ripped out her heart. She continued walking fighting and killing anyone who dared to get in her way. Walking back people who were dead due to Bonnie.


Elena and Bonnie walked out. And found everyone else. Besides the rosewood guys."There dead we can go now."

"Whats wrong with you." Rebekah asked.

"Just adding to the list of reasons why i don't let y'all around Stefanie. Starting with Alison tells Caroline everything so why didn't i know anything. I bet all of y'all did." They all looked away from her glare."Thats what i thought."

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