Dirty little secrets

Start from the beginning

Anastasia gave a small smile and said, "By becoming the Queen this world deserves, I want to defeat Jafar reclaim Wonderland. But not for me for the people and I need you to tell them that they can trust me."

"Uh- I-." The Rabbit turned to look at Ella, "Has she completely lost her mind?"

"She wants to change." The Rabbit gave out a small laugh, "If she can or not only time will tell." Ella said with a shrug

The Rabbit sighed and said, "I'm afraid defeating Jafar has become the least of your problems."

"Why's that?" Anastasia asked

"Jafar... has released the Jabberwocky." The Rabbit said with a look of terror on his face, everyone knew that the Jabberwocky is the most powerful thing in all the realms. It can make you live your fear over and over again. A bit like Cora.

"How- What!"

"What's a Jabberwocky?" Will asked

"Who told him!" Ella asked

"I don't know how or why but all I know she's out."

"Is that bad?" Will said looking over to his sister who surprisingly actually looked scared

"Do you remember what Cora did with the fears?" Will nodded his head, "The Jabberwocky can do the same but worse." Ella said looking at Will who also now looked scared

"I guess now you want me to take you out of Wonderland before she find you?" The Rabbit asked

"That sounds like an excellent idea-"

Anastasia cut Will off saying, "No! We are not leaving."

"Not going Wonderful." Ella said rolling her eyes

"I said I was going to save Wonderland and I meant it if the Jabberwocky has been released then all the more reason to stay and fight now Rabbit I am not going to force you to do anything but if you care about Wonderland, what it once was and what it can be again we need you to help us. Portal to every corner of the realm tell the people that the battle to save Wonderland has begun." Anastasia said nodding her head

"I would but... they wouldn't believe me they almost hate me more than more." Ella added

The rabbit gulped and nodded his head, "Fine."

. . . .

"Quick guys we have to find Alice and Cyrus and warn them." Anastasia said as the walked down a steep hill

"About this Jabber-person-"

Ella cut Will off saying, "If the Jabberwocky has been released than none of us are safe out in the open."

"I can't help but notice we are actually still out in the open." Will said pulling Ella up as she almost fell into a hole in the ground

"Don't be so scared okay?" Anastasia said

"Well then stop scaring me, If this Jabber-person is anything like what Cora could do then yeah I am bloody scared!" Will said

"Will! I'm being serious the Jabberwocky feeds on fear she can smell it." Anastasia snapped

"Chemo- signals I can do it too and right now you reek of fear so please... stop." Ella said, when she saw how Anastasia was looking at her she added, "Werewolf."

"Right." Anastasia said nodding her head

"Remind me again why we didn't take the Rabbits offer to leave Wonderland?" Will asked

"Because Jafar is going to destroy Wonderland-"

"The real reason." Ella said cutting Anastasia off, "The Rabbit might have bought your performance but he doesn't know you like we do"

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now