Happily united

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I put on my shoes, grab my key, and head out to my car. Finally I can figure out what the hell is going on.

~At the clinic~

Ignoring the doctors I run to the room that Ace told me to meet him. I hear a doctor talking and another voice. Wait that's Marcel's voice.

I stand in the doorway and freeze when I hear the word baby be dropped. Why is Marcel on the examine table? "B-baby?" I say.

Marcel locks eyes with me and looks startled by my appearance. I can't make out what he says but he whispers something to Ace before turning back to me. "Besides Felix deserves to know, he's the father." I hear Ace say, I look to Marcel counting on him to deny what just happened.

But he doesn't say nothing and instead looks at the ground. "F-father?" I manage to get out.

This can't be true, there's no way Marcel is pregnant I mean-that night flashes before my eyes-Oh wait, what if it is possible?

"I think you two need to talk." I hear the doctor say. Her and Ace exit the room leaving me and Marcel Alone.

I slowly walk over to him when I notice he looks like he's in pain. "Are you okay Marcel?" I ask and I watch as he shakes his head. The mark.

Ace told me how the pain in his mark was bad. I knew I should've done something, but I thought that maybe Marcel wanted to end the bond. He shouldn't bear through this pain if he wants to end it.

Looking at him now and seeing how much pain he is in makes me feel like such an asshole. I know he's the one who cut things off but I at least should've tried to.....I don't know, ease the pain?

"Marcel is there anything I can do?" I ask softly, I don't want to scare him. "C-can you come here." I hear Marcel say while he puts his arms out. He wants me to...hug him?

Following his lead I walk over to him and wrap him in a hug. He's shaking so much. I try to rub his back to sooth the pain and I slowly feel him stop shaking.

"Are you okay now Marcel?" I ask, "yeah....thank you." He says, I sit up beside him on the bed and face him. "Now can you tell me what's going on?"

He nods and begins playing with the bottom of his shirt. Why is he so nervous? Is he really pregnant....? If he is what does he want to do with the baby?

"Um Felix please don't be mad at me." His voice begins to break, "no no I won't be mad at you so go ahead and explain." I say.

"Well um I guess you can already assume what's happening. I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you Felix. I know I should've I was just...scared. But I-I'm pregnant..." I knew this was coming but a part of me was still convinced it wasn't true.

"How long have you known?" I ask, "um I guess a little over a week." He replies, that long and he didn't bother to tell me? As much as I want to be angry I know he probably has a reason.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, "I- um well I was going to that one day at the park....but I couldn't find the words. Then you started talking about all your dreams and I didn't want to get in the way of your dreams....."

That was his reason for ending things that day? Could that mean he still wants to be with me? I suddenly get excited for a second before I realize the seriousness of this situation.

Me and Marcel are both still in college, and yes I do have dreams I want to accomplish. Of course those dreams can always wait till later in life. But will me and Marcel really be able to handle this? We both still live with our parents, not to mention we're both broke. How are we going to afford everything? Where are we going to live? Maybe he doesn't even want to live together.

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