Baby daddy

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Marcel's POV

I wipe my tears from my face and my mark burns intensely. It's definitely worse then the first time, I forgot about this part. What if this hurts my baby?

I open the door to my house and try to quietly walk to my room when I hear my moms voice. "And just where do you think you're sneaking off to?" I look over to see her sitting at the table with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks angry.

"Uh just to my room." I say as I try to keep a straight face and not show how much pain I'm in. The pain shoots up my neck like fireworks, each shot feels like knives being thrown at me. My whole body feels like it's burning from the inside, the pain is intolerable.

"Sam called me today to tell me what he found out. Mind explaining to me why you didn't tell Felix? On top of that it looks like you're on bad terms from the amount of pain you're in right now." She acted angry but I knew she was actually concerned for me.

My mom has always been there for me since I was little. She's a great mom and I look up to her, I strive to be as great of a person as she is. She even forgave alphas after what happened to her. I guess I forgave them too, when it comes to Felix at least, but I'm not nearly as good of a person as she is.

"Mom I don't think Felix will want the baby." I say and I feel the tears start to pour again as I spill everything to my mom. All the stress I've been holding in about telling him poured out. My mom listened quietly as I told her every detail of what happened last night and today. After I was finished she looked at me and thought for a couple seconds before speaking.

"Marcel I understand where you're coming from. I know you want Felix to follow his dreams, but what about you? Have you thought about what you want at all? Have you tried to talk to Felix about not giving up his dreams?"

I think silently for a second. She was right, my mom was always right. I could talk it out with him, but I just pushed him away....I feel like I really did it this time. He might never want to talk to me again. How can I be so stupid!

My mom's hands brush my cheek as she wipes away my tears. I hadn't just been crying from the emotional pain, what hurt even worse was the physical pain. It hasn't subsided in the least and it felt like it kept getting worse.

"I-it hurts mom." I sobbed as I fell into her arms, she silently ran her fingers through my hair to soothe me. "I know hunny,I know. You don't have to tell Felix now. It's your decision. When you do decide to tell him, tell him all the things you're thinking about. I'm sure he'll understand and listen to you, but he won't know if you don't tell him."


I slept in my moms bed that night, as childish as it might sound, and she comforted me for hours until I finally was able to fall asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and the first thought that hit me was Ace. I still never told him about all of this and if I don't soon he'll be mad at me. Tomorrow I will tell him and then I have to try to explain what happened to Felix.

~The next day~

I quickly finish getting ready as I hear my phone buzz form my bed. I pick it up and look at the text:

Ace: Hey Marcel I'm at your door waiting, are you ready?

I don't reply and instead head to the door, opening it to find a smiling Ace. "I missed you Marcel!" He says as he wraps me in a tight hug, I missed his warmth.

The pain in my mark had calmed a little but was still not tolerable. "Marcel are you okay? You have bags under your eyes."

I sigh, "I know I'll explain, so come inside." I say opening the door for him, he walks inside and heads to my room. I watch as he plops himself down on my bed.

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