Happily united

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Felix's POV

For the past week I've been avoiding Marcel, I just can't believe what he did to me. Why would he ask to be togeher but then break up the same day? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

I haven't seen much of Marcel around school, but Ace does tell me how he's doing. I want to be near him, and I want to be with him, but I don't think he wants that anymore. All my thoughts have been consumed with Marcel.

I even told my parents about what happened and they tried to comfort me. But nothing they do can take away the pain I'm feeling. Just when I thought Marcel was going to accept me he threw me away again.

It seems like I can never figure out what's going through his head. He always finds some way to confuse me again and leave me baffled.

~English Class~

"Hey Felix." I hear Ace whispering next to me and turn to respond. "Yeah?" I ask, "I'm gonna text you an address and I want you to meet me there after school." He says, hm why? I mean we do hang out after school some days but this is sudden.

I feel my phone buzz and pull it out to look at the address. It's a clinic?!?? What business would Ace have there? Don't tell me he got Kinsley pregnant.

Felix: Uh Ace why are you going there exactly?

Ace: Don't question it just promise to meet me there.

Felix: Sure Ace whatever

I don't know what he's up to but something's definitely going on.

~After school~

I begin to head back home to grab my car when I receive another text.

Ace: I'll text you when to leave, so wait for my signal.

What??? Why?!?

Felix: Uh Ace you're acting strange.

Ace: Just listen to me please! Its important.

Felix: Fine.

What reason does Ace have to suddenly do this? Not to mention these past days he's been asking me odd questions out of the blue.

~Flashback to yesterday at lunch~

"Hey Felix do you like kids?"

"Felix if you were to have a baby would you rather have a boy or girl?"

"Do you still like Marcel?"

~End of flashback~

The questions continued on for days, I really have no idea what's going on in his head.

~At home~

"Hey Felix how was school?" I hear my mother ask as I enter the house. "Hm it was good. Also Ace asked me to meet him at a clinic today. I don't know why but I guess I'll be out."

I watch as my moms face changes into a surprised look. "Finalllly." I hear him say, "what are you talking about?" I ask, "hm? nothing just make sure you go." He says as he leaves the room.

Is my mom in on this too? Why am I the one who has no idea what's going on?

I patiently wait for Ace to text me, and by patiently I mean overthinking everything. I can't stop thinking about why on earth he wants me to meet him there. Not to mention my mom knows? None of it adds up.

~Half an hour later~

I finally receive a text from Ace and quickly pick it up.

Ace: Okay head over now and go to room 303.

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