Chapter 1: Change

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I was told that life is about change but today I wish to go home. I'm 15 I recently transferred from sterne heights of course now I go to Alyssa high school, I used to live in Australia now I live in California. I have velvet red long hair, tan skin colour, hazel brown eyes, my moms name is Amanda and my dads is tony and my best friends name is Kate. Kate says I break out easily and I am super outgoing and she says I hate all sports but that's definitely not true since I was head captain for cheerleading at my old school.
"Go cheetahs"
I woke up at 3:00am with a nightmare my parents came in the room to check if I was okay.
"Are you okay Hun?" Asked mom.
"Yeah it was just a bad dream that's all don't worry I'm fine"
"Okay but if you need anything just call us okay Aliya" said mom and dad.
They left my room. I tried to fall asleep again but I really couldn't all I could think about was if that if the students and teachers of Alyssa highschool and if they were going to like me. As I was thinking the time went from 3:00am to 6:00am an hour and a half before my school started. I decided to call up Kate, I really missed her.
"Pick up the phone Kate!"
"I miss you to"
"We are best friends forever nobody can replace you Kate I love you"
"I love you to Aliya your like my sister nobody can replace you either"
She then hung up. By then it was time for me to get ready. A new day new people new everything 'sigh'. My parents drove me to my new school. It was so big nothing like my old school and at every table their were cliques I said bye to my parents as I got out of the car
"Okay Aliya have a good day at school we love you"
"I love you to mom and dad"
I walked in the halls looking for my locker. Then these girls came up to me and made fun of me. There names were Brittany Tiffany and Amy.
"Hey looser your at the wrong locker" said Brittany
"Brittany always gets the locker by the football jocks" said Tiffany
"Um... Okay sorry"
"Yeah that's right you better be sorry" said Brittany
"Oh we have to keep an eye on that girl. Amy keep a eye on her at all times" said Brittany.
I already hate this school. I went to go find my class so I wouldn't get more irritated, as I approached to the door I saw this guy he was so cute I quickly sat down after. My teacher mr dosly announced that I was a new student in the class and he told me that my seat is in front of the cute guy I was staring at. As the teacher was doing attendance the guy behind me asked me for my name as the teacher forget to announce it.
"My names Aliya what about yours?"
"The names Brent. Want to hang out at lunch today?"
In my mind I was going crazy. OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE IT, he asked me to hang out!!! Okay maybe this school isn't so bad after all. I texted Kate and told her everything
"oh my god really?!"
"Yes really"
"Mission cute guy accomplished I told you there was going to be cute guys at your new school"
"Got to go mr dosly is looking"
The bell rang and it was time for lunch I went to the field outside to go look for Brent. He was sitting on the bench waiting for me.
"Hey Aliya!"
"There you are I was looking for you everywhere"
"Well here I am on the bench"
I giggled a little. I realized, after talking to him that he is such a sweet, kind funny person with of course amazing looks.
"It was nice talking to you" I said
"It was nice talking to you to" he said
After a few days Brittany started to get jealous that I was hanging out with Brent since Brent was her ex she sent me rude notes in class and told me that I will regret it. I didn't think I had to tell Bret about it so I just kept it to myself. Then these 2 girls came up to me Lila and Kara they told me to just ignore her and that she's always like that.
A few days later we became really close and I almost forgot about Kate but then I got a text message from her.
"Aliya what's up? Did you replace me already"
"No I haven't I'm sorry I have been a little busy lately doing things"
"What things? You know what never-mind bye!"
She seemed pretty mad about me not contacting her but I was just busy. I didn't have enough time to think about her or anything. Cheer tryouts were coming up and I had to try out. I didn't know if I could make it or not. Like I know I was the cheer captain at my old school but I still didn't know if I was going to make it because at that moment I realized that something about this place is different.

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