"You're afraid of me."

I consider the words, then give him the slightest nod.

He sighs. His breath casts a cloud of mist that vanishes to thin air. His shoulders slump, head lowering too.

As if his breath was his spirit... as if the cloudy mist had carried his spirit away.

"I'm sorry."

My vision starts to blur. "Sorry for what?"

"You wouldn't understand," he shakes his head. "I don't want to do this, I never wanted you to be afraid of me. Ever. But I can't go back there."

He's on their side.

I try pulling my hand away, more desperately this time, but he only tightens his grip.

"Y/n, we're running out of time. I'm running out of time," he says urgently. "I hate that I have to do this but it's my life or yours. Please understand and just come with me, there's no other way out of this and I can't go back there. Not now."

My life or yours.

My life or yours.

All the pieces snap into place. 'I can't go back' - that must be how they're blackmailing him!

Jin's suspicion was right.

"Wait! We know you're being forced!" I say quickly. "They're blackmailing you right? Into kidnapping me? Is that it?"

Jimin nods.

Okay. Now all I need to do is work around this and stall for time. Surely I can persuade him out of it. Surely Jungkook will come back anytime now...

"Well Namjoon has a plan! You don't have to do this Jimin, you have us! We've missed you. We've been thinking and worrying about you everyday. We're your friends remember?"

"But what's the use of friends if I have to live in fear?" he counters. "My life's on the line. The moment they get me it's over."

"Well I'm in the same exact situation!" I exclaim. "Don't you see? We can work through this together. All eight of us."

Jimin shakes his head before I even finish. "Then we're both doomed if they find us. Along with everyone else." He starts tugging me away. "If I turn you in, only one person is harmed. It's for the greater good, Y/n."

I huff.

'Greater good' my foot. What's gotten into him?

Letting him drag me away is not an option. And I can't bring myself to imagine the look on Jungkook's face if he comes back to see that I've disappeared. Which means... I need to get help the only way I know how.


But no sound comes out.

I turn back to Jimin in a panic. The sound waves are being blocked and he's the only other human around. Air too?!

"Imitation," he says in a low voice. "You were about to amplify your voice, but I can't let you do that or it's mission failed. Don't give me that look. Now come on."

I dig my heels into the dirt to gain traction.

"Don't make me force you."

I glare at him. I'm not going.

"I'll give you one more chance," he growls. "I don't want to do this the hard way but if you leave me with no choice, then I will."

The setting sun casts the faintest hint of remaining daylight over us. It sends distorted shadows across Jimin's face. It transforms him - my perception of him.

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