Chapter 5

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Megumin: "When I use explosion magic... I end up using alot of energy to summon it..."

Please don't tell me she's gonna say what I think she's gonna say.

Megumin: "well since I overexerted my self, I can't move a muscle!"

Kazuma: "For real?"

Me and kazuma looked a bit disappointed... let me rephrase that,
I looked a bit disappointed,
kazuma looked like he wanted to give up and go home.

Megumin: "oh no... I didn't expect for a toad to pop up nearby... Sorry but can you please do something before it-"


[Y/N] and kazuma: "Wait! You can't get eaten! I'll save you!"

We ended up saving both of them and well... Let's just say the aftermath was sticky and nasty.




We find our selves walking to the baths after the fight with the Toads. I carried megumin on my back and kazuma was to busy being disappointed, and for aqua...well....

Aqua: sniff* Sniff* "My clothes smells bad!"

Kazuma: "shut your mouth and keep walking!"

[Y/N]: sigh* "What a day!"

Megumin: "You know, the inside of a toad smells bad but it's rather warm and cozy."

Kazuma: "wow, I can die happy now! Thanks."

[Y/N]: "Megumin look... your now banned from using explosion magic unless it's an emergency, ya got that?"

Megumin: "That's not possible!

[Y/N]:"Why not?"

Megumin: "explosion magic is the only magic I can use."

Kazuma and [Y/N]: "Seriously?"

Megumin: "Seriously."


Aqua: "But, if your level is high enough to use explosion shouldn't you be able to use other spells?"

Aqua: "For example, I couldn't use my arch-priest magic until I learned the party trick skills first."

Kazuma: "heh, what would you use a party trick on?"

[Y/N]: "What the hell is their purpose? Do they boost morale or something?"

Aqua ignored both of our questions.

Suddenly megumin grabs my shoulder a bit tight and says

Megumin: "I am an Arch-Wizard who loves explosion above all else!

Megumin: "I do not care for other explosive magics, Explosion is my true love!"

[Y/N]: "can you not grab my shoulder so ti-"

She grabs on my shoulder even tighter

Megumin: "Of course it might be easier for me to go adventuring If I had other skills! But I love explosion magic even if I can only use once a day!"

[Y/N]: "ouch!"

Megumin: "I chose the path of a Arch-Wizard for the purpose of casting the one! glorious! spell!"


Aqua: "That's amazing and wonderful! Even if your goal is totally bonkers, I love the passion you have for it!"

This is no good

Kazuma then walks towards me and whispers

Kazuma: "Dude this mage is totally useless... Hell if aqua knows where shes coming from then she has to be!"

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