Chapter 9

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It's the day after the cabbage quest, me and kazuma are sitting at a table at the guild talking about a new skill we both aquired...

Kazuma: "Create water!"


A stream Of water bursts out of kazumas palm into a glass cup.

[Y/N]: "Nice!"

Kazuma picks up the glass of water and drinks it...

Kazuma: *Gulp* "ah... Not bad for a basic skill huh?"

[Y/N]: "You got that right! This skill will be useful on long quests."

Suddenly darkness enters the guild hall and walks towards us and says:

Darkness: "Hey guys! I got my amor fixed with the money I got from the cabbage quest! Does it not look brilliant? What do you think?"

Kazuma: "Eh... It looks like the kind of junk a spoiled ass son of an aristocrat would wear."

Darkness: "oh, honestly! Would it hurt you to pay a lady a complement every now and then?"

[Y/N]: "kazuma does have a point though. It looks like you get spoiled almost every single damn day."

Darkness: "Oh your so rough! You never show me any mercy!"

Kazuma: "can you not? This other weirdo is distracting me."

Kazuma looks to his left where megumin is standing; she's rubbing herself all over her magic staff while making erotic sounds...

[Y/N]: "Everywhere I look theirs always something weird happening"

Kazuma: "if no one stops her she's gonna out perv you!" *Points at darkness*

Megumin: "I love you manatite staff with your throbbing magical power! mmmh!"

[Y/N]: "it's getting worse by the second!"

Suddenly aqua yells from across the guild...

Aqua: "That's all!? What are you trying to pull here? I caught a ton of cabbages and that's all your offering!?"

Aqua seems to be in a altercation with luna and holds her by the collar of her shirt

Luna: "Well actually, I checked your haul and most of it is actually lettuce!"

Aqua: "why is their lettuce mixed in with my cabbages?"

Darkness then looks towards us and says

Darkness: "it's true. Lettuce does have a lower demption value."

Kazuma: "I guess you learn something new every day"

[Y/N] "The more you know"

Aqua then let's go of luna and grunts while walking towards us

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Aqua then let's go of luna and grunts while walking towards us...

Kazuma then says in a sarcastic voice:

Konosuba X Male Reader (Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora