Chapter 12

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As I slowly open my eyes after a long night sleep, I suddenly see kazuma standing in the corner again...

Eh? What is kazuma doing standing there again? And why does my chest feel so heavy?

I look to my lower left and see aqua cuddling onto me, she has her left leg on top of me and her left arm on my chest

Ah yes, the good life... Wait WHAT!!???

I quickly look at kazuma and see him looking back at me in a depressed manner.

Kazuma, already dressed in his adventure clothing and holding a coin pouch; starts to speak...

Kazuma: "ughhh... This ain't worth it. Working all day for peanuts, dealing with a useless goddess and a harem protagonist!"

[Y/N]: "Hey! I am not a harem protagonist..."

I say, as I gently push aqua off of me...

Kazuma: "This isnt the life I signed up for! What happened to RPG like world!? What happened to being the hero this world needed? Where's the party member I'm supposed to fall in love with!?"

Kazuma: "This place is such a rip off!"

[Y/N]: "ugh... Would you stop sulking?"

I stretch my legs and arms then stand up...

Kazuma: "Imma head to the freaking guild hall to get something to eat..."

[Y/N]: "wait for us! I need to get ready first!"

I gently kick aqua...

[Y/N]: "Hey! Wake up! We're going to the guild hall!"

Aqua groans...

Aqua: "huuh? What are you doing awake? Get back in bed. Let me play with your-"

Kazuma: "HURRY UP THEN!"

After getting yelled at by kazuma we get ready for the day and we head out for the guild hall






We find our selves at a table in the guild hall with all party members present...

Aqua suddenly slams her hands on the table in frustration...

Aqua: "I hate being broke! I can't live like this!"

[Y/N]: "Then how about you do something about it?"

I say as I drink a cup of water...

Aqua: "That's it! Let's do a quest! I don't care what, and I don't care how hard it is! I just want money!!!"

Darkness: "I wouldn't mind a hard quest"

[Y/N]: "Oh of course you wouldn't mind! I'm sure you would want something long and hard!"

I take a sip from my cup of water and slam it on the table.

[Y/N]: "And I've got just the thing!"

Darkness responds in a happy manner...

Darkness: "You do!? Do you really have something long and hard!?"

I look over to darkness and point down toward my pants...

[Y/N]: "Yeah it's right he-"

Kazuma: "NO! NO HE DOESN'T!!!"

Kazuma reaches over the table and hits me in the head...

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