Teacher x Student (Part 2.)

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Genre: Smut, relatively plain.

Description: The day after the "incident", Little Frank finds himself with Mr. Ways phone number.

I shot up from my mattress, sad that my dream had ended. I got up and off of my bed... Regretting it. My ass hurt like a bitch and I realized that it hadn't been a dream. I felt my face heat but I ignored it. I walked to my drawers and pulled out a faded Anthrax shirt. Along with dark grey jeans. I topped off the look with my skeleton gloves and a black and red hoodie. I looked at my self in the mirror and thought it was good enough. I grabbed my bag and descended the stairs. To my left was the door. I opened it as quietly as I could. I failed. My mother came charging out of her hell hole. My attempt at rushing out of the door, also failed. My mother grabbed my arm and I could smell the alcohol on her breath... She threw my to the ground and sat on top of me whilst constricting my ability to breath. I felt hands wrap around my throat and I gasped and began choking, struggling for air. I finally swing at her face and delivered a hard punch to her face. I took the opportunity to climb out from under her and run out of the door. I looked at my phone and realized that I had only ten minutes to get to school.

~At school.~

I felt the anxiety and execute meant building in the pit of my stomach as I rushed to first hour, art. Before I stepped into the room I checked my reflection. My bangs curling under my chin slightly and my red eyeshadow perfect. I had two more minutes. So I grabbed my nub of an eyeliner pencil from my pocket and drew large x's across my eyes. I called it good and walked into the class. I avoided eye contact and sat at the back of class as I usually did. The bell rang and Mr. Way stood in front of the class. My face reddened once again and I looked down. I heard him clear his throat and begin speaking. "Today, you'll be getting your drawings back. They've been graded. For the rest of the period we'll be just sketching whatever the fuck..." He stopped and picked up the stack of drawings. As he did, I put my ear buds in. Ignoring the world. About two seconds into the song... I was interrupted by Mr. Way. He tapped my arm and scowled down at me. The man leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Naughty Frankie, you'll have to be punished..." His words sent violent shivers down my spine. He gently set my drawing down and walked away. I stole a glance to see him flashing me a white grin. My paper had a grade, One hundred percent. Next to it was a number. A series of numbers to be exact. Below the numbers lie a sentence. "Call me, xoxoG." I was a bit surprised, but I had been expecting it at some point. I was about to place my drawing in my portfolio when the bell rang. Heading for the door, I heard a soft voice. "Call me later, maybe we could hang out or whatever the fuck" I turned to see Mr. Way smiling at me sweetly, genuinely. He walked towards me but stopped quickly. His eyes trailed from my face to my neck. "What's that?" Soft hands traced the outline of the developing bruise. "They look like hands almost..." The knowing in his voice was painfully obvious. I flinched and used the opportunity to run out of the door.

~End of the day.~

Grabbing my tattered bag, I raced down the hall while shoving my earbuds into the sides of my head. I stopped momentarily to hit shuffle on my phone. Deadmau5. "Raise your weapon." I ran down the halls avoiding people. I found myself singing the song lightly. Once I had exited the school I started walking towards my house, anxious to text Mr. Way. I decided that I couldn't wait. "Hey, it's frnk." I hit send and almost immediately received a response. "Wanna come ovr 2 hang out" My steps slowing slightly as realization sank into me. I shrugged it away and flipped my phone back open. "Yah of course." And similar to one minute ago, I received a reply. "Turn around." I flipped around to see a Volkswagen trailing me. I mentally slapped myself for not realizing I was being followed.

~In teh kar~

"That was unexpected." The first words to leave my mouth. He just smiled like a dumbass. Which of course caused me to smile back like an equally dumbass. "I thought you wouldn't talk to me after yesterday..." He broke the silence. "Nope." I replied simply.

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