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Only when somebody you love is dying do you realize how much you do actually love them. And value everything they do. Cancer is a terrible disease, that tears people appart and leaves them bare boned. Leaves them nothing sometimes. This is a tribute to my mother, who passed 12/22/11. She had lymph node, bone, and lung cancer. This is sort of my experience with it. I apologize for any sadness this may cause. The picture is her. ENJOY.

Today, Gerard was diagnosed. I almost didn't believe it. The doctors told me that there is a chance that he could live, which of course I believe. The doctors couldn't lie about that.

I visited him today. He didn't look well. It's been only weeks and I can visibly see a difference. His eyes are graying and his voice is weakened. The doctors told me today that his chance of life is now slim. This of course worries me.

Today he gave me his will. He said that he wasn't going to live. Two months. I of course didn't tell our daughters. I have been saying that daddy is on vacation. They understand. I'm not sure if I'll be able to ever tell them that daddy will be gone.

I was asked by Gerard to plan his funeral. He looked at me through his now lifeless eyes. They used to have a spark, now only despair and sadness. It's been happening so quickly. I have started to self harm again, and I'm not proud of it. His already pale completion is now a different shade, death. He looks like death.


He's deteriorating so quickly and so am I. I told our daughters and they don't understand. They're both six years old. I haven't been sleeping or eating much. I don't want to visit him anymore. He just looks terrible. So dull. It's selfish of me. I should cherish the time we have.

His funeral is officially planned. I don't think I'll be able to go. To much reminiscence. I've said my goodbyes already. As did he. Today I sat beside his bed and we just held hands and shared caring whispers of sweet things. I already feel dead inside, I love him so much I don't know if I can go without him for the rest of my life.

I went back in today, only to receive the news that he has died. Gone. I have contemplated suicide and I've decided yes on it. The girls are at their grandmothers. I can't take the lead of a family. I'm not strong enough. I'm glad I said goodbye at least. Sometimes emotional pain is just too much. Of course I can't express my sadness and sorrow in this stupid fucking notebook. I don't remember why I began writing anyway. So I guess this will be my goodbye.


I failed. I can't do anything right. Mikey came over after he heard. He walked in to my room with me having a gun to my head. So he forced me to stop. And I did.


I haven't left my house. I haven't done anything. I look a mess. Mikey has been periodically checking on me.


This is very late. I'm better. Still not healed, but better. I haven't been going to counseling, but using music I've been healing myself slowly.


One year. One year of despair. But I'm slowly gaining hapiness. I know that he will always be with me.

This is kinda a reflection of my personal experience. Sorry.

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