People outside the office would think that I was having some kind of psychotic outbreak, but it was just happiness. My life's opportunity was now in my hands, in a small piece of paper. I hugged Olivia who reciprocated in an excited way. When I suddenly remembered.

"Wait, but what about you?" I asked with certain concern.

Olivia's brown eyes connected to mine, bringing with them a mystery that afflicted me. Going to New York has always been our dream, we made these plans since high school, and going without Finley wouldn't be the same thing.

"Roseanne..." Olive began crestfallen.

No, oh my God, no.

"Olive, don't tell me that..." I let out softly.

"Of course I'm going with you, bitch! Do you really think that I would let you hook up with all the women of New York without me? Bitch, keep dreaming!" With an out of the ordinary joy I grabbed Olivia in an excited hug.

"You son of a bitch, you scared me!"

Olive let out a loud laugh, making her whole body vibrate. She knew that without her things wouldn't be the same for me.

"You can't live without me." her cocky tone was evident.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said releasing her quickly.

"I only say the truth, Park."

I went back to my desk where I accommodated myself for a few instants. I simply still couldn't believe that that would really happen. For years as a deputy, my big goal was to leave that town and go to a big city, where everything was much more intense. I was absolutely sure that the city of New York would change my life.


Packing bags was never my forte. I was now surrounded by things scattered around my bedroom. From clothes, shoes, personal effects and all the necessary items for my going to New York. It had already been a week since I received the letter of acceptance by the deputy Jason, and my move to the capital was already scheduled for the next day. I was incredibly anxious, after all that has always been my dream, and achieving it was being wonderful.

"You can't forget anything." my dad said upon entering my bedroom.

Victor Park was with a broad smile, yet sad eyes. From the moment that I informed about my transfer, I could notice his clear change of mood. Of course he had been happy with my professional fulfillment, but having me leave the house so suddenly, wasn't in his plans.

"I'm looking at everything, I don't want to forget anything." I said as I folded some pieces of clothing to put in the suitcase.

He walked carefully as to not step on anything that was scattered on the floor. He sat on the edge of my bed, real close to where I was and stared at me.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I just want to have you here." His voice tone conveyed melancholy.

"Dad, I don't want to see you like this." I said approaching him.

"It's just hard to see my daughter leaving home."

His sadness was evident in that moment. Vic and I created a very beautiful relationship between father and daughter, since from an early age he and my sister, Alice, were the only family figures for me. At the age of twelve, I had the great misfortune of losing my mother in one of the police conflicts. Rosalie, just like Vic, followed a police career, being an investigator and he promptly deputy. In one of the police operations, the woman was brutally shot by a group of men who tried to rob the Central Bank of Mount Vernon. There were some people being held hostage, and she in a heroic act to free them ended up giving her life in exchange for theirs. By the vague memories of my childhood, I still had the image of Vic crying uncontrollably over my mother's grave. From that moment on I had decided that just like them, I'd be a member of the police.

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