Negative One.

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Every story has characters. A setting. A conflict. If you're lucky, it has some romance too. But every good story has some kind of hero, whether it's a friendly neighborhood web slinger, a Montague who gives his heart to a Capulet, or a woman who passes the love of her life on the street without knowing that he's the man with the hands meant to hold hers. Our story's heroine is a girl named Madden Grey.

Now, she may not have killed the villian or won American Ninja Warrior or anything, but Madden became a heroine in her own right.

Part of how she achieved this is due to Noah Ryan Bentley. Sometimes called Noah. Sometimes called Bentley. Sometimes called "The Riot".

And the other part of it is due to the supporting character of this story.

And the supporting character of our story is New York.

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