XXI. Coup

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Max was sitting at one of the three tables in the dorm common area beside the lobby on the first floor, with Melany pacing back and forth by the front door.
A thought then struck him, and he pulled out his phone.
He pulled up Dai's contact and eyed it solemnly, taking note of the "Call" option.
He took a deep breath and pressed it, holding the phone to his ear.

It rang for a few seconds before a sniffy "Hello?" could be heard on the other end.
"Dai?" Max asked.
More sniffling, "Yeah, it's me... Huh?... Hang on, uh, Kai wants it on speaker. That okay?"
"Oh, um, sure," Max agreed.
"Heyyy, Max," Kai said.
"Hey," Max replied, taking note how similar their voices sounded, "How are you guys doing?"
"Uh... we've been better," Kai said, "We're still on the ferry... your mom sucks, dude."
Max sighed, "Can't say I... disagree. I'm so sorry, guys..."
"It's not your fault," Dai consoled, "I probably shouldn't have egged your brother on like I did."
"No, he should not have attacked you," Kai huffed, "Besides, it sounds like you were truthing his ass."
"I escalated the situation," Dai sighed, "I didn't make it any better for anyone."
"You're an idiot," Kai replied.
Max stifled a chuckle in response.
"Whatever," Dai groaned, "What about you, Max? How are you?"
Max paused, "I-"
"Holy shit," Melany said, peering out the window.
Max looked over at her, "...What?"
"I think we-" Melany started, as Raina was thrown through the window across the street, landing on the cobblestone path with a loud crash, kicking up dust and stones.
Melany looked in shock, before opening the door and rushing out.
"Uh, guys, I gotta go," Max said hastily.
"Why? What's going-" Dai started as Max hung up the phone.

He hurriedly followed Melany outside, where she was helping Raina to her feet.
"Are you okay?! What happened?!" she asked incredulously.
Raina, disgruntled and brushing bits of cobblestone from her hair, annoyingly grunted, "His mom happened."
Max was stunned, but they were all caught off guard when Jace teleported beside them, also bewildered.
"The woman's lost her marbles!" he exclaimed as Luke was also thrown out of the broken window.
Raina flew up and caught him mid air, setting him down gently.

Meanwhile, Kendra was forming citrine stalactite-shaped crystals on the fingers of her citrine fists, and throwing them at Lena, who leapt out of the way of each one, using an ice shield on her forearm to block the ones that came close.
Kendra was stopped by Aria, who grabbed her ankles with water hands. Before Kendra could react, she was thrown up into the ceiling again, and pulled back down onto the floor. This continued multiple times.
Aria was stopped when Matthew grabbed her hands, turned her around, and pinned her to the window, "That's quite enough, princess."
Aria grunted and extended a water fist from her hand straight into his abdomen, shoving him into the wall opposite them.

Kendra slowly got up off the floor, groaning in pain. She looked up to see an ice katana blade pointed straight at her, with a stoic Lena glaring her down.
"...Insubordination will NOT be tolerated," she said, furious.
"Too bad," Lena scorned, "Stay down."
Kendra snarled and hastily grabbed Lena's ankle with her citrine fist. Lena went to move but realized her leg was becoming encased in citrine.
"What-?" she uttered as the citrine went up to her torso.
Dissipating the sword, she then dropped an iceball on Kendra's face, freezing it over. Kendra screamed and let go as the cold ice stung her face.

Matthew, who was still struggling against Aria, noticed and hurried over.
Aria also noticed and rushed over, picking Lena up from behind and sprouting water wings, carrying her out of the broken window and onto the cobblestone path with the others.
"Lena?!" Melany exclaimed as Aria set Lena on the path, her right leg and right half of her torso up to her chest covered in bright yellow rock, "What the hell?"
"Did Kendra do that to you??" Luke asked.
"No, genius, I secretly have a stone Gift," Lena snarked, "Of course the bitch did this to me."
"...I need to learn that," Luke said.
"Maybe you can learn to break this stuff off me!" Lena grunted in annoyance, "I can't move my leg!"
Aria then made a small water spear in her hand and began pecking at the citrine.
"What is that gonna do?!" Lena asked.
"Better than leaving you with it!" Aria huffed.

Max looked at the chaos, stunned, then looked up nervously as he saw his mother approach the broken window, Matthew standing a little behind her.
"Maxwell!" she shouted, "There you are! I was so worried!"
Max looked uncomfortably at her.
She then returned her attention to the others, "You all are expelled! You hear me?!? EXPELLED!!!"
Matthew then approached his mother, "Um... Martha and Melissa are coming."
"Good. Five of us, five deplorable children," she replied, straightening her now dusty suit out.
Aria kept picking away at the citrine with her small water spear, desperately trying to chip it off. Luke then joined her, forming a small, stone knife to do the same.
"Either of you stab me, you're dead," Lena snapped impatiently, frantically glancing between them and Kendra.

Kendra then jumped out of the broken window, and landed on the grass between the path and the building in a superhero landing, slowly standing up afterward.
"Maxwell, start restraining these insurgents," she ordered, "They won't have time to pack their things before going on the next ferry off of Elfen Island."
Max looked from her to his friends. They looked worriedly at him, Lena giving him an almost pleading expression.
Kendra broke into an expecting, impatient smile, "Maxwell, use your Gift and entangle these brats in vines. Now."
Max looked at the ground, thoughts racing through his mind. He wanted to stand up to his mother, but he was so afraid at the same time.

Just then, the door to the first dorm behind them opened, and outstepped Melissa and Martha.
"Holy hell..." Martha uttered.
"Martha! Melissa! Finally!" Kendra exclaimed, "Form a perimeter around them and restrain them! They attacked me!"
Martha and Melissa, stunned, did as they were told.
Matthew then flew out of the broken window and landed next to his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Come on, Maxwell," he whispered, "Just do it. You don't wanna be punished again, do you?"
Max just looked at him, shocked.
Matthew gazed down at him, squeezing his shoulder.
"Maxwell... Mom isn't in the best of tempers... don't test her," he said.
Max's brow furrowed, and he looked up at his brother, before shaking his hand off and socking him in the jaw with a right hook.
Matthew stumbled back, holding his chin.
Kendra and her children, as well as the friends, looked at him in complete disbelief.

Max then turned to his mother, stepping forward to face her directly, forming his leaf fans in his hands, opening them with a shing, and taking a stance.
"For the last time," he said, "Fucking call me Max."

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