XVII. Reunited

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Dai and Jack had made their way into New Haven's garden, finding it scarcely populated.
"There doesn't seem to be anyone here," Jack observed, still clinging to Dai's arm.
"It's not exactly a small garden," Dai pointed out, "He might be here."
"I guess," Jack shrugged as they started moving through the garden, "So, who is this guy anyway?"
"...the son of the new headmistress," Dai answered, "I told you once."
"Oh, yeah, you did," Jack remembered, "Huh. Is he that important to you?"
Dai was silent for a moment, stunned by the question.
"...All my friends are important to me," he said.
"No, I mean... is he important to you in a... y'know... couple-ie kind of way?" Jack asked.
Dai was momentarily stunned again.
"I- no, no of course not," he said defiantly, "I don't do relationships, not anymore."
Jack looked at him, surprised.

"Why not?" he asked, "If I may, of course."
Dai hesitated, not really feeling comfortable anymore.
"I... don't want to talk about it," he said.
Jack narrowed his gaze, "Maybe... you just haven't met the right person yet."
Dai didn't reply, unsure.
"And... y'know... I could be that person," he said.
Dai looked at him, "What?"
"I like you, Dai," he said, "I'd love for us to go out sometime, just you... and me..."
He then ran a hand down Dai's torso, making Dai step back uncomfortably.
"Y-You hardly even know me," Dai retorted, a stammer in his voice.
"I can get to know you. I want to," Jack said, stepping closer.
Dai kept stepping back until he finally felt his back hit the hedge wall surrounding the garden.
Jack then used the chance to get close, his hands running up to and around his neck.
Dai, shivering uncomfortably, felt Jack's lips meet his.

After a couple seconds of forceful kissing, Dai managed to shove him off.
"What are you doing?!" Dai blurted out.
"What's the problem?" Jack asked, "You like guys, right?"
"Not ones that come onto me unwarranted!" Dai shouted, a quiver in his voice.
"Oh, come on," Jack rolled his eyes, "You liked it."
Dai, red in the face, stood speechless.
"I like you, just give it a shot," he said, getting closer, "Give us a shot."
He moved to touch Dai again, only for the ice Gifted to grab his hands before he could.
"Stay... away from me," he managed to say.
"Come on-" Jack started.
"I said-!" Dai started to shout.
"What's going on here?" Max's voice cut in.

The two boys looked over to where the short, tan nature Gifted stood at an intersection in the garden, wearing a very smart suit.
"Max...!" Dai said in relief.
"Get away from him!" Max ordered.
Jack scoffed, "Okay, shrimpy. And what are you going to do to make me?"
"You should be more worried about what I'll do," Dai said, defiance filling his voice.
Jack looked to see he had formed an ice gauntlet over his fist.
He then looked over at Max to see the short boy had formed his leaf fans.
Jack scoffed once again, "Buzzkills..."

Rather quickly, Jack walked out of the garden, leaving the two boys to dissipate their constructs alone.
"Who was that?" Max asked, but he didn't get an immediate answer, for Dai pulled him into a hasty hug.
"Where have you been??" he asked, "We were so worried."
Max chuckled, touched, as he pulled away.
"I got better in my dorm..." Max smiled, "It was mainly just fatigue and dizziness... nothing major."
Dai sighed, "I'm glad to hear. When you were in class, you looked ready to pass out!"
Max smiled, appreciating the concern greatly.
"So, um... why was that guy... violating you?" Max asked, concerned.
Dai then thought back to what had just happened, and looked uncomfortable.
"I'm... not sure," he said, "It was very... uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry I didn't hear sooner," Max said, taking hold of Dai's hand.
"Don't worry... I had hoped to stop it without threatening him... though, I guess I ended up having to," Dai said, "He was Luke's ex... I guess I see why he's an 'ex' to him..."
"Oh..." Max said solemnly, "Poor Luke."
Dai nodded in agreement, "Uh... can I... stay with you? I don't wanna go back out in case..."
Max nodded, understanding, "Yeah...!"

"So..." Dai said, the two beginning to walk around the garden, "What are you doing over here?"
"Escaping my family," Max sighed, "It's been... a rough week for me."
Dai looked sympathetically at him, "Kai's uh... the girl he's dating... said she saw you and your mom the other day outside campus."
Max looked sadly down as they passed by the bed of yellow tulips.
"...When we do something we're not supposed to... really not supposed to... Mom puts us through... Boot Camp," Max explained, "It's... exactly as it sounds..."
Dai was appalled, "Intense exercises... for a whole day?!"
"And all night..." Max said, "That's why I came into class... like I was..."
They then stopped by the bed of yellow tulips.
Max looked sadly at the ground.
"I'm so tired, Dai..."
Dai looked him, worriedly.
"I just... want to garden... and have friends... maybe even... meet a special boy..." he said.
"...Did you have someone... 'special' before?" Dai asked.
Max paused, then nodded, "We only lasted a month before my mom found out... he was nice... I hope he's doing okay, wherever he is."
Dai looked quietly down, sighing.
"I did, too..." he said, "Though, we broke up for... different reasons."
Max looked at him.
"Plus... my mom isn't trying to control every waking moment of my life," he said, meeting the shorter boy's gaze, "It's really not fair to you."
Max managed a smile, before noticing the yellow tulips beside them.

"When you had your... situation," Max said, "I was here, admiring them."
Dai looked down at the tulips with him.
"Yellow tulips are my favorite," he said, "They remind me of sunny, happy days."
Dai looked between him and the tulips, before taking a sharp breath and plucking one out of the dirt.
"What are-" Max started, and immediately turned red-faced when Dai lovingly placed it in the lapel of his suit jacket.
"Now, you have a boutonniere with your favorite flower," Dai smiled, "You look even better with it."
Max blushed, looking down at the tulip, then up at Dai.
"Hah... thank you," Max smiled.

The two then noticed a slow song came on in the courtyard, with noise dying down.
"Um..." Max started, "Do you... or, would you... want to dance...?"
Now Dai blushed, "Uh, sure! I mean... uh, I'd... like to, but..."
"Don't worry," Max smiled, "If that guy shows up, you won't have to deal with him by yourself."
He then took Dai's hand, and the two boys headed to the garden's exit.

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