XXVI. New Problems

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A bit later, after a tearful, dramatic greeting from Luke, the blonde was assisting Kai with unpacking in his dorm with Aria and Raina. The two girls were sitting on Luke's bed, as the boys were taking out the contents of Kai's luggage.

"Now that you guys and Danford are both back, we can go to the spot to train, or hang, or... anything!" Luke was saying, rather excitedly.
"Yes, yes," Kai answered with an adoring eye roll, as he took out his bathroom supplies.
"To think, I was just getting used to you two not being around," Raina commented.
"Oh, hilarious," Kai retorted.
"Be nice," Aria said with a motherly tone, "It's been a long day for all of us."
"Where did Dai even go?" Raina asked.
"He went on a walk with Max," Kai said.
"Mm," Raina muttered, "I'm still not sure I trust that guy."
"He sucker-punched his bro and straight up fought his mom," Luke pointed out, "I trust him plenty."
"As do I, and so should you, Raina," Aria said sternly, "Don't give him a hard time, especially after today. We really could have gone without that whole battle, you know."
"I won't," Raina replied, "I'm just sayin'."
"Whatever," Kai groaned, "Anyway, tomorrow, I'm gonna spend the morning with Judith..."

As the conversation carried on, Raina got up and left the boys' dorm, stepping out into the hall. She stuffed her hands into her pockets as she headed over to the staircase, and started walking down.
She recalled her attacking Kendra Charmaine earlier that day, and what Lena said to her thereafter;
"You've really done it now, Raina."

Grunting, she balled her fists in her pockets.
"It wasn't my fault that fight broke out," she muttered to herself, "She shouldn't have trashed them in front of me."
Or was it her fault? True, no one got seriously hurt in the end, but could that fight have been completely avoided if she didn't let her temper get the better of her?

These questions started to plague Raina, and once she got to the lobby and common area of the dorm, she looked across the path outside to the broken window, and the destroyed sections of the path.
She then looked at the floor, scowling, the tips of her hair starting to alight with small pink flames.

"Your hair is on fire," came a voice.
Raina looked over to see Ryū, The Heat, sitting in a chair nearby.
Her temper subsided, her hair returning to normal.
"Where have you been?" she asked, taking on a snarky tone.
"The usual. Keeping New Haven safe from tyrants like Charmaine by giving intel to Danford," he said, "Though, we probably could have gone without the property damage."
"Well, sorry for also saving New Haven," Raina retorted sarcastically.
Ryū arched an eyebrow, and proceed to stand up, stretching his arms as he did.
"What are you even doing here?" Raina asked, "Don't you have... God things to do?"
"Not particularly," Ryū said, "Though, I can tell something is up with you."
"Oh, yeah?" Raina asked, taking on a defensive tone, "And how can you tell that?"
"You do walk around with part of my power inside you," Ryū replied, a smirk crossing his face.
Raina said nothing, she just glared at him.

"Whatever," she said, "Like I would tell you anything."
She then stormed off, shoving both entry doors to the dorm open and exiting. Ryū watched her go, his eyes narrowing.


The waves crashed against the shore as the sun began setting. As they did, Dai and Max both had nestled their bare toes within the sand. Dai had his hand out, swirling snow flurries around his fingers.

"Wow," he said, "So... you really stood up to her."
"Yeah..." Max sighed, "It... was really scary for me. I never really yelled at her before... or fight her..."
"Well, duh," Dai said, putting his hand down. The flurries disappeared in the air as he looked out at the horizon, "I'm sure you were terrified. It took some real courage to do what you did."
Max chuckled, flattered, "...I'm not all that brave, though."
"Bravery doesn't mean you're fearless," Dai replied, "I know that very well."
Max smiled, drawing circles in the sand with his finger.
"Y'know..." he said, "In the moment... all I thought about was you."
Dai turned to look at him.
"What you said, I mean!" Max said quickly, "At the theater... and the dance... and... the closet."
Dai started going into a fit of giggles, "I almost forgot we hid from him in a freaking closet."
Max started laughing, too.

Once the laughter subsided, the two took deep breaths.
"So... your dad's taking your mom back to court?" Dai asked.
"Yeah, for custody of us," Max answered, "It might... take a little while. Ms. Danford said my sisters and I can stay on New Haven until it's settled."
Dai nodded, understanding.
"Well, if you ever want to stay somewhere else for a while, just let me know," he said with a smile.
Max blushed and put his hands up, "No! I mean, I couldn't do that!"
"Trust me, my mom loves it when we have people over," he explained, "And it would be no problem. We are friends, right?"
Max paused, then returned his gaze to the sand.
"Yeah," he smiled, "...Thanks for being there for me."
"What are friends for?" Dai asked, giving him a broad grin.

Max just looked at him, that feeling in his chest returning again. He looked up at Dai as he returned his gaze to the horizon, before doing the same. Slowly, but surely, he leaned his head down onto Dai's shoulder as the sun started to completely sink into the ocean.
Dai felt him, and looked down briefly, before returning his gaze forward.
He felt himself blush, but said nothing as they just watched the sunset.


Jack was watching the two from the ferry pier, his phone to his ear. He had a sour expression.
"Jack, did you hear me?" the voice on the other end said.
Jack quickly blinked, snapping out of his momentary trance.
"Sorry," he said, "Got distracted by something. Can you say again?"
A sigh came through the receiver.
"I said, our goddess' associates are going to carry out their part of the plan. The Russian man and his, er... masked henchman, remember? And I was asking how your part was going."
"Given I basically just got here, so far so good," Jack retorted, "That Charmaine woman got me in, as she was paid to do."
"We heard she got... let go."
"Mhm, there's a very rowdy group of kids here," Jack said, "They won't be too much of a problem, though."
"Let's hope not. So, you haven't located... him?"
"No, but don't worry, I'll kill him once I find him. I just have to figure out how to get underground, first," Jack said, noticing a ferry coming in the distance, "...And I think I can enlist someone to help with that."

On the ferry, Hunter was leaning on the deck rail, scowling at the sight of New Haven. The sea breeze just blew all around him as the ferry approached the docks.

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