XVIII. Sheep

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Dai and Max re-entered the courtyard, where many Gifted students had already paired up for the slow song.
Dai uneasily looked around, in case Jack was nearby, but became distracted when Max reached up, gently placing one hand on his shoulder, and taking his hand with the other. Dai placed his free hand on Max's waist, and the two looked at each other for a moment, fear and excitement filling their faces.

They then began to sway back and forth to the slow beat of the song, stepping carefully on the cobblestone path surrounding the fountain.
Dai kept looking to the side every now and again, still worrying.
"Hey," Max whispered, catching Dai's full attention again, "It's okay."
Dai smiled, exhaling, "Y'know, I really should be saying that to you."
"You don't have to," Max replied, smiling broadly, "Thanks... for being there for me."
Dai just let out an awkward chuckle, feeling funny inside.

Neither noticed Jace and Lena looking over at them, also dancing together.
"Well," Lena commented, "He found him."
"I have never seen Dai look that happy," Jace smiled, "You think it means something?"
"Maybe," Lena sighed, and fell silent.
Jace looked down at her, "What?"
Lena paused, "It's... just... I was hesitant at coming tonight... even after you asked me."
"Yeah... though, now..." she said, "I'm glad I came."
She then looked over at where Luke and Aria were also dancing together, hugging each other.
"This... was fun," she said.
Jace chuckled, "Well, thanks for coming with me."
Lena's cheeks grew warm with red, smiling.

Meanwhile, Luke and Aria had embraced each other in their dancing.
Aria then looked up at him, and Luke met her gaze.
"Whatcha thinking about, mister," she teased.
"Your pretty eyes, at the moment," he replied.
Aria grinned and rested her head against his chest.
Luke smiled down at her when something caught his eye.

He looked over and saw Dai and Max dancing together, and smiled at them for a moment, until he saw Jack slowly weaving through the mass of dancing Gifted over to the two.
"Oh no," he uttered, and started to break away from Aria's embrace.
"What?" Aria asked.
"My ex," Luke said, "I'm sorry but I gotta stop him."
"What-" Aria began as Luke started marching over to Jack.
Jack, meanwhile, caught sight of Luke coming over, smirking at him as he continued to approach an unsuspecting Dai and Max.
Luke became exasperated as he tried to weave through the crowd, with Aria tailing behind him.

Dai and Max looked at each other, a panic slowly filling their faces.
Jack and Luke both stopped in their tracks.
Max's brother, Matthew, stood a few feet away, between Gifted, with his sisters standing behind him.
The music turned upbeat once again, and the crowd began to jump around and move to the rhythm.
Matthew stepped closer, his sisters tailing behind him.
Luke and Aria got close enough to see what was going on.
They also caught the attention of Kai and Judith, who listened intently from a nearby bench.
Jack stepped back, slipping away into the crowd.

"Maxwell, what are you doing?!" Matthew asked, "You know what Mom said!"
Max, still in a dancing embrace with Dai, looked panicked.
Dai noticed this, fear also filling his own gut. Though, after a moment, he plucked up courage, and gripping Max's hands, he looked over at his brother.

"And what, exactly, does Mom say?"
Matthew blinked in disbelief, somewhat stunned by the question.
"Mom seems to say a lot of things," Dai went on, "Maybe... you should try thinking for yourselves instead of being sheep."
Max looked up at Dai in astonishment, then looked down, feeling Dai's hands shaking in his own.
"We do think for ourselves, thank you," Martha cut in, "As if you would know anything about us."
"I know quite a bit, actually," Dai continued.
Luke and Aria watched the interaction, amused and bemused with this side of Dai.

"Really?" Martha scoffed, "And how is that possible?"
Dai paused, looking at Max, who looked back up at him worriedly.
"He told me," he said plainly.
Max's siblings looked at their brother in disbelief.
"Y'know, he's really tired, upset, etcetera," Dai went on, "If someone feels like that about their entire family...? Mmm, sounds like something is wrong to me."
"You don't know what you are talking about," Matthew said, "Maxwell, get away from him. Mom said-"
"First of all," Dai cut in, his voice somewhat quivering, "He can do whatever the hell he wants. Second of all, and I don't think you need to be reminded, but I'll say it anyway..."
He paused impressively, stepping forward in front of Max in a protective manner.
"...he likes to be called 'Max'."

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