His feet planted firmly on the ground, pushing against the earth as he was propelled sideways by his right foot, his right leg fully out stretched while his left leg stopped him at the trunk of a tree, bending to absorb the force of his jump.

He fell for it.

Kairi grinned and retrieved the unprimed grenade, the pin still in place. He had purposefully angled his throw so that the priest couldn't see the pin, using magecraft to blow it behind him to further obstruct him from inspecting it. Reloading his shotgun with the fingers, he placed the grenade back into his jacket to draw out the smoke canisters he kept around with him, pulsing black sacs carved off a magical beast sealed within steel cylinders.

There was no time to waste.

With a Servant behind him watching his every move, and a monster of an Executor facing him, the only choice he had was to escape and contact El-Melloi and let him know what was happening. Currently, he could tell that the Servant was holding back since the Master was engaging him, but there was no telling when it would join in as well. He hadn't been able to tell which Servant it was during that blisteringly fast charge, but regardless who it was, they could easily kill him.

The same went for the Executor in front of him as well-wait, wasn't that the supervisor? Now that he had put some space between them, he could see that the priest was Kotomine Kirei, the sharp chin, drawn face and unruly long brown hair perfectly matching the photos he had seen. What was he doing attacking him. Was he the Master of a Servant in this war as well?

Kirei, noticing his face light up in recognition, spoke to him.

"It seems you know me. Would you do me the kindness of telling me your name then?"

Originally, they were supposed to assist Avenger with the fight against Berserker and Ruler, but since Angra Mainyu had said he only needed to help when a signal was given, he was on standby. In the meantime, silencing potential witnesses and gaining information about the other Masters would be beneficial to himself. Based on what he knew, he could hazard a guess that the necromancer in front of him belonged to the Mage's Association, likely working under Lord El-Melloi II, since Bazett hadn't told him about anybody supporting her. It was possible he was a third party, or paid by another Master, but based on what he knew of the other Masters and of the Clock Tower, it was more likely the former was true.

The necromancer was skilled, even after suffering a crippling blow from him, and was still able to stand. That alone was enough for Kirei to tell that he was no normal magus, and the only people who could afford such skilled people were people with deep pockets.

Kairi reloaded his shotgun while thinking about his next step. Considering his current situation, he could only escape, and the off-road bike hidden near his camp was his best chance at escaping. Turning his head slightly to the left, he noted that the bike seemed to have escaped unscathed from the charge, the furrow in the ground stopping just short of the bushes where it was hidden in. Now the only problem was how to get there with a Servant and a grizzled ex-Executor watching his every step...

"The name's Sisigou. Sisigou Kairi."

Playing for time, he decided to answer him.

Lifting his eyebrows, Kirei's smile stretched just a tiny bit wider. During his days training as an Executor and undertaking missions for the church, he had heard of the name of a certain necromancer, travelling many battlefields where normal humans, mages and magical beasts fought, leaving these hellholes alive with the precious bones, flesh and organs of those who had fallen. Whether he actively hunted for his materials, or whether he simply scavenged them off dead corpses was unknown, but the fact was that he had survived such places time and time again, gaining a reputation as a monster that stalked the battlefields who would do anything for the right price.

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