Chapter 33

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A blue jersey with golden highlights. A luxurious muffler with a matching color scheme fluttered with both ends behind her. A black cap with a familiar gold pattern that El-Melloi could swear he'd seen before. A pair of black leather hiking boots. Black shorts that could have been mistaken for bloomers peaked out under her jersey, and a blue sweatband wrapped around the wrist of her left arm. In her right, she clutched a glowing sword that El-Melloi definitely recognized, and for some reason a very stiff strand of hair was sticking out of her baseball cap, piercing through some unseen hole in it to remain visible. Finally, her face was a dead ringer for Gray. The resemblance was so uncanny as to be almost completely the same, the facial structure mimicking each other in every way possible, to the point they could be mistaken as twins. The only differences were the eye and hair color.

"By the way, I'm not an Assassin, I'm definitely"

The Servant paused midway, noticing something about her Master.

"That aura around ahoge is reacting to it. Could it be?..."

Indeed, the strand of hair hanging out of her cap was twitching slightly in Gray's direction, vibrating a little as well. Gray, confused by her Servant's reaction to her, pulled the hood further down on her face as MHX stared hard at her face.

Step by step, the Servant drew closer to the Master, staring intently at her all the while. Gray was reminded of Svin's behaviour around her, but even he wasn't so intense, though on occasion it could reach this level. El-Melloi watched the proceedings on the side, slightly confused as well.

"Master, could you lift your hood for me to look at your face?" MHX stopped right in front of her, green eyes burning holes into Gray's head. In response, she shrank even further into her hood, embarrassed by someone staring at her so hard.

"Um, is it really necessary? My face isn't really worth looking at."

"No, please flip it open right now." The Servant's voice took on a harder edge, her eyes narrowing at Gray. Sensing hostility, El-Melloi started to walk forward to intervene.

"So what do we call you? Your code name is Heroine X, so do we call you that? Or is there some other name you'd like us to call you?" El-Melloi was wondering what kind of Heroic Spirit she was. Based on her clothing, she seemed to be a very modern Heroic Spirit, but with Add, and by extension Rhongomyniad, as the catalyst, there was no way they had summoned anyone else other than King Arthur. Who the hell was she then? She certainly looked the same, but her clothing and words seemed to contradict that notion.

"Just call me MHX, short for Mysterious Heroine X. I am the Saber that will kill all Sabers. Now lift your hood, Master."

Undeterred, she doggedly insisted on seeing her face.

"Why do you want to see my face?"

"I need to know if you look like me." MHX answer was perplexing, but after El-Melloi heard what she had said about being a Saber that would kill all Sabers, he could deduce why she was asking now. If she was referring to that Saber, it would explain why she was so aggressive towards Gray.

"She doesn't look like you at all, right Gray?" He tried to assuage her concerns, knowing that if she decided to use brute force, he wouldn't be able to do a thing.

Gray looked at her Master as he winked at her.

"No, I don't look like you at all." She didn't understand why he wanted her to lie about her looks, but it was most likely for her own good.

"I see. In that case, I'll just have to see for myself."

Before either of them could react, her hand shot forward like a bullet and flipped open the hood, ripping the fabric out of Gray's hands.

Saberfes!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora