Jake Peralta- Postcards (h)

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You'd never really been that girl that guys wanted to go out with. For some reason you'd always been the friend not the girlfriend.

The downside of that was that you never actually realised when a guy was into you, you just thought they were being your friend.

And that was exactly what had happened with Jake.

You and Jake had known each other for well over a year, Gina had originally introduced you two because she wanted to set Jake up unbeknownst to you.

The two of you had grown close but no matter how many times Jake hinted at liking you or tried to get you to go out with just him he had always failed. He was beginning to think you just didn't like him as there was no way you'd be so dismissive of so many dates.

He had decided to give it one last shot, but he was going to be as extravagant as possible.

For some reason you'd been called to the precinct that morning by Gina, which confused you as no one was supposed to be in the precinct today.

"Hello?" you called out as you walked through the doors to the bullpen.

You saw Amy sat at her desk but no one else was around. "Oh Y/N!"

Amy got up from her desk to walk over to you, handing you a small postcard as she did so.

"This is for you."

Despite being confused you took the postcard and looked it over. "Go to our favourite coffee shop?"

Amy shrugged but shot you a smile before going back to her desk. You stared at the message in front of you for a few moments before it clicked in your head – you got coffee with Jake at the same place every day.

What you couldn't figure out was why Jake was leaving you notes.

You made your way to the coffee shop anyway and when you got there you saw Terry sat in the window with Rosa drinking some coffee.

"Hey guys," you greeted as you walked over to them.

They both smiled at you, but Terry handed you another postcard. "This is for you."

Sighing you turned it over to read it. "Find me in the best place for films."

Both Rosa and Terry laughed at your confused expression but eventually it twigged – you and Jake always watched films at your flat, movie night would always be spent on your sofa.

After you'd said goodbye you went straight to your flat and you couldn't help but smile when you saw another postcard taped to the door.

This time though there was a rose taped with it too.

"Hopefully you get it this time," you read out loud. "What does that even mean?" you mused to yourself before pushing the door to your flat open.

Jake was sat on your sofa, surrounded by postcards that all looked handwritten and your favourite flowers – how did he even know your favourite flowers?!

"What is all this?"

He chuckled nervously before standing up. "Well I've been trying to ask you out for the past however many months now."

Your brow furrowed in confusion – had he?

"And I figured that you weren't for the subtle asking out, and I don't really do subtle all that well either," he admitted as he came closer to you. "So, I thought I'd write you all these postcards, have fun reading them by the way, and see what you say."

By this point you had a flaming blush on your cheeks. "What exactly am I responding to?"

He chuckled and held out a flower to you. "Will you finally go on a date with me?"


Written by Hannah.

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