Amy Santiago- Dress (a)

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"I like this... you don't think its too out there do you?" This time the beige button up that Amy held in front of her had slightly frilled cuffs, so you let her that it was, in fact, not too exotic for the workplace. "I don't want Holt coding me for straying too far from the uniform code."

"The precinct should consider themselves lucky that Jake, Hitchcock and Scully turn up in any form of clothing at all. Even if it is sometimes more than a few days old it's better than nothing. I'm pretty sure Holt will be absolutely fine with that shirt, or any shirt in here to be honest. It doesn't have to be in your comfort zone. Why don't we forget about work and pick something for the weekends?" Amy examined the cuffs of her shirt with fear before putting it back on the definitely not pile.

"I don't need anything for out of work, I can just wear my normal shirts but get this, I leave the blazer at home and keep it casual."

"No, absolutely not." You pulled her away from the mirror and dragged her over to the aisle which you were sure she had never set foot in. "These Amy, are dresses." She rolled her eyes and knew it would be faster if she caved in and at least looked through the reams of garments, you hoped that something would at least not bring her severe discomfort to look at.

"I just don't feel like any of these would look good on me." She pulled a particularly skimpy number from the rack and held the little amount of polyester over herself, both of you tried to figure out where the fabric would sit but you just couldn't seem to get it to cover all of the important parts.

"That's a little young, you're not old by any means but let's go to the more appropriate aisle." She huffed and protested but you grabbed her wrist and pulled her along regardless, determined to broaden her horizons. "What about this?"

You held up a long, silky dress. The black bust slowly faded into reams of midnight blue before seemingly disappearing into nothingness.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like me." She pulled the dress around her, seeing how it would fit.

"It'll look great, you can wear it for the ball on Saturday. Try it on and we can go home." She snatched the dress and sprinted towards the changing room, she would of course hate it, but hopefully it was a step in the right direction.


Written by Aaron.

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