Rosa Diaz- Mechanic (c)

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Sunday was meant to be your day of peace. You were meant to be able to relax and do nothing important, just sit back on the sofa and watch something that was rather terrible and useless. There wasn't anything important that needed to be done, and you were hoping to let all of the stresses of the week to go away until you were going to have to go through another work week. Even though you liked to spend the last day of the week doing nothing and spending the day in your pyjamas, that didn't mean that your girlfriend was going to do anything the same.

Rosa didn't like to sit around when there was so much that she could do. Today she had decided to spend time outside with her motorcycle, trying to clean it up a bit as she had been so busy with work, it had been impossible for her to keep it as pristine as she liked it. By no means was Rosa a clean freak but when it came to her bike, there wasn't anything that was too much work to keep it looking perfect. You didn't really know anything about motorcycles, so left her to it.

You were unaware of what exactly Rosa was doing until you heard her screaming. Jumping up from the sofa, you stuck your head out of the living room window to look down to where you knew that Rosa was working. Below the window you saw your girlfriend straddling her bike, the motorcycle making a terrible noise that you knew was far from what it was meant to sound like. The bike groaned once again before Rosa held onto it as though it were her baby.

"You cannot die!" Rosa exclaimed. "I won't let it happen!"

Frankly you were confused but you hated to see your girlfriend looking so distressed.

"What's wrong?" You shouted down.

Rosa looked up, a pained expression on her face that you had never seen before. "I don't know but it's not good."

She hopped off of the bike, looking around it to try and find the source of the noise but it was a futile search, ending with no more information than she had begun with.

"Do you want me to call a mechanic?" You questioned.

"See if someone can come out or is close enough by that I can get it to them today," she demanded. "I don't know what I will do without it."

You offered her a gentle smile before putting your head back inside and searching for your phone, so that you could go downstairs to make sure that Rosa and her bike were okay.


Written by Charlotte.

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