Rosa Diaz- Amy (c)

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You weren't too happy about agreeing to be your sister's plus one to a party at work but seen as it ended with you finding a girlfriend, you weren't too sad about it. Amy didn't know that her younger sister had found the heart of her colleague but nevertheless you and Rosa were happy together and felt it would be best for your relationship to keep it a secret, especially from your older sister. Even though you had seven older brothers, your older sister was the most protective of you and she certainly scared you a bit. You loved her dearly no matter how protective she could be of you, if you didn't you certainly wouldn't have been sharing an apartment with her.

Amy had gone out to the library, and you knew that would mean that she would be gone for the best part of the day, rarely ever leaving the library if it was still open. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for you to share a stolen moment with your girlfriend in your apartment. Rosa arrived minutes after Amy had left and the two of you spent the day happily in each other's company.

Any time you spent with her made you happy but as the time went by, the time together got a little more heated. You don't know how it started but it didn't take long before Rosa was on top of you and your shirt had been discarded across the room. You were lost in each other on the sofa, so much so that you didn't hear the front door open or notice Amy's presence until she gasped.

The two of you looked towards the noise, pausing where you were, not sure how to react to your sister learning that you and her colleague were in a relationship and finding out from the two of you making out on the sofa.

Amy took a deep breath as she took in everything she saw before her.

"Okay," she said breathing out. "Look. You are my best friend... but if you don't get off my sister right now..."

Her teeth became gritted as she tried to stay composed and not get annoyed that someone was with her little sister. It didn't matter how old you got or how happy in a relationship you were, Amy would always want something better, not accepting anything but perfection for you.

Rosa rolled herself off of you whilst you stayed on the sofa, your face becoming flushed. All you could hope was Amy would stay calm and not ruin her friendship with Rosa due to your relationship with her.


Written by Charlotte.

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